Page 81 of Love Under Snowfall

“No. No, it was perfect,” she assured breathlessly.

“Thank god.”

The relief in his voice almost made her laugh, but the chuckle morphed into whines and whimpers because he pulled out fully and pushed back in. Over and over, he thrust with increased speed and force. Every plunder pressed her deep where decadent pressure began to build.

His hands were everywhere. Playing with her nipples, the tight bundle of nerves between her legs, squeezing and teasing her with playful smacks on her ass.

“So. Fucking. Perfect. So tight. So exquisite. Oh god, Francesca, squeeze. Yes. Oh fuck, yes.” Benjamin’s words were a chant, tumbling out as though he were in a trance as he pumped harder and harder. “I’m going to make you come so hard, and then I’m going to lose it. When you squeeze and flutter around me, I’m going to give you everything.”

He reached around and cupped her breasts, pulling back so she was upright against his chest but still kneeling on the bed. A large, solid hand stroked up and settled at her throat. His other fingers spread and teased just above where he pumped into her over and over.

“I can feel you. You’re about to come. Oh fuck I can feel you tensing.”

What were words? They might as well be something as complicated as theoretical physics because Frankie couldn’t form a single one as she barreled toward a lethal orgasm. Just another thrust, another flick, another squeeze, and . . .

She toppled over the edge, riding a roller coaster through a cavern of blisteringly bright stars. Shocks of light flooded her senses as she wailed in shameless pleasure.

“That’s right, sweetheart, that’s right. Come for me, squeeze me tighter. I can take it.” Benjamin’s thrusts became more erratic, which only magnified the encompassing bliss strobing through Frankie as he neared his own completion. Louder rumbles and grunts rode out of his mouth with each strangled breath until he slid in hard and held her tight to his body.

The throb of his orgasm pulsed inside Frankie, playing against the wildly sensitive parts of her as she barely hung on to her sanity. He heaved raggedly against the back of her ear, planting lazy kisses against her neck and shoulder.

He carefully pulled out of her. “Give me one moment. Please, stay right here.”

She couldn’t refuse such a gentle request and was instantly rewarded by being swept into his strong arms not a few seconds later. Pulling back the blankets on her bed, he settled her in the warm comfort and tangled his limbs with hers.


That’s what the last hour had been. Her chest ached for a moment, knowing that there wouldn’t be an endless supply of similar encounters, but quickly schooled herself. Not now. She could mourn the loss of this delicious, bliss-delivering man in the morning.

Chapter forty-four


“Are you asleep?” Benjamin asked after some time had passed and his heartbeat resumed a normal cadence. Francesca settled across his chest, her honey hair and limbs draped all over him.

“Not sleeping. Dead, maybe.” The husky quality of her voice shot a spark of renewed lust into his bloodstream.

“I’d better revive you with some mouth-to-mouth, then.” He tilted her chin delicately up and swept a kiss over her swollen lips. The flutter of her heart tickled against his chest, and her breathing—like his—sped up. “She lives.”

“It’s a miracle.”

Her chuckle puffed out against his sweat-damp skin as she nuzzled back against his neck.


This right here was heaven—something he’d never experienced with another. And unfortunately, never would again after tonight. Because he knew one thing above all else.

He couldn’t keep her.

The desire to claim this singularly incredible woman nearly overrode the reality that, over time, he would snuff out any fire and vivacity she held. He wouldn’t mean to of course.

It was purely . . .


It’d happened before.

Perhaps not on the same destructive level as what his father did to his mother, but it wasn’t negligible either. In those times that Johnny played wingman, Benjamin had gone home with countless women. Occasionally, those connections would deepen into something more than a one-night stand. But always in a disproportionate way. They would get attached and he would have to callously cut ties the second he caught wind of theirfeelingsfor him. Most of his exes moved on quickly. A few, though, did not.