Page 69 of Love Under Snowfall

“Should we take bets on whether he’s in jail?” Francesca’s melodic yet husky chuckle heated Benjamin from the inside out as he allowed his attention to be drawn to the petite blonde. She stood with hands braced on her hips, wearing an exasperated expression that also proclaimed her lack of surprise. Her cropped sweater shifted up as she combed her hair back with delicate fingers, flashing a patch of smooth, pale skin above her jeans.

He licked his lips, recalling how sweet she’d tasted, how soft she felt, writhing beneath his touch.

A rumbly throat clearing to his left snapped Benjamin outof the memory. Todd stood shoulder to shoulder beside him, displaying mild boredom at the fact that no one could locate the missing groomsman. “Eye fucking the groom’s little sister is not a good look.”

Benjamin turned abruptly, bumping into the Christmas tree he’d been hovering near since dinner had finished. A few baubles fell to the ground, and he crouched to retrieve them. “Eye . . . what? No, I’m just—”

“Salivating over our girl like a cartoon wolf does a chick wearing a red hood?” Todd turned to face Benjamin head-on. “Look, everyone else here is so focused on finding Zac that it’s given me plenty of time to size you up.”

Burying his momentary shock, Benjamin arched a brow and affixed his most smug smirk. “And what have you deduced?”

“That you’ve got it bad.” Ignoring the protesting scoff, Todd turned and watched Francesca. “Pretty sure she does too, and before you ask, no, she hasn’t said anything. I can just tell.”

Great. He needed to reign it in because if some stranger could spot his lust, then it would be a matter of time before Johnny did too. And the last thing he wanted was to cause an issue at his friend’s wedding.

“Care for a little advice?”


“I’ll take that as a yes,” Todd hummed with a smile. “If she’s having as big of an impact on you as it appears to the casual observer, then fight for her. She’s worth it. There’s no one like Frankie.”

“It’s not that easy.” He absently hung the plastic balls back on the tree.

Clearly unimpressed by their placement among the branches, Todd shifted the ornaments around and then nodded in satisfaction. He turned his gaze back to Benjamin, boring hiseyes deep then letting his lips curl into a mischievous grin. “Benji. It’salwaysthat easy.”

“Ah, hell.” A deep, raspy voice drifted in on the frigid night air as the back entrance opened. Zac clomped in, kicking snow off his boots, and pulled off his down jacket. “Did I miss dinner? I’m starved.”

“Finally,” Johnny groaned, walking over to the tardy groomsman. “Where were you, man?”

“I lost track of time.” Zac shrugged, removing his scarf to hang it on the rack along with his coat.

“Nice hickey,” Johnny chastised.

Nostrils flaring, Francesca marched over and stepped in front of her brother then flicked the angry cluster of purple welts on Zac’s neck.


“You selfish, unreliable sonofabitch.”

“Jesus, Frankie. Calm down,” he huffed, massaging the multicolored splotch on his neck.

“How hard is it to show up on time, especially for something important?” she demanded.

“Maybe I was doing something equally important,” he said with a smirk, waggling his eyebrows. “Jealous?”

In response, Francesca flicked Zac again.

“Shit, ok, ok.Uncle.”

“I swear to god, if you’re late tomorrow, you will have me to answer to. And while you may have enjoyed how you got those marks on your neck, you won’t love how I administer my damage.” Pride puffed up in Benjamin’s chest, though he knew he had no right to the feeling. She continued in a tone denoting violence. “This wedding isn’t about you. This is about your friend. You need to quit being a vengeful baby and get over the fact that you aren’t the best man. Show up for him like afucking adult or you will spend every day hereafter wishing you had. Am I clear?”

Sporting a fresh wash of red across his cheeks, Zac nodded sheepishly.

“Great!” Francesca slapped her hands together and turned to the group. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

She barked directions until everyone was lined up where they needed to be. The processional walked through the routine twice before calling it a night. Each time, Francesca stood with a gap between her and Benjamin, and it took everything in his power not to touch her.

Chapter thirty-eight