Frankie feverishly increased her own motions, pinching and flicking as she pictured him hovering over her, his dark, coiffed hair pulling loose from its structured style.
A rumbling chuckle would reverberate up her neck as hemade his way to her lips. The five o’clock shadow that seemed to appear around ten every morning would deliciously abrade the sensitive skin at her jaw. He’d nibble gently on her plump lower lip, whispering filthy, commanding things, then remove his probing fingers and grip the head of his rigid arousal.
“Is this what you want?”he’d ask, a smirk in his deep voice.
Another nod.
“Say it,”he’d demand with a gruff voice at her collarbone, braced against her, ready to sink deep.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Professor Clark.”
He’d let out a devious chuckle, his endless blue eyes connecting with hers, and push swiftly into her.
Frankie’s orgasm engulfed her body from head to toe, back arching off the mattress. She pulsed hard against the vibrator, letting the sensation of fullness and release dance across her sensitive skin. The tension slowly retreated as her senses returned, and her breath gently returned to a normal rhythm. Only then did she register where her fantasy had swept her, ending with a completely different man than it had started.
“Shit,” she murmured violently into her pillow.
Chapter twelve
The day of the family law final exam, Seattle: Frankie
Thanksgiving break came and went along with the next few weeks. Before she knew it, Frankie was sitting in another large auditorium, waiting breathlessly for her final exam to begin. Everyone was spread out in the usual fashion. Despite her intense preparation and extra sessions with her tutor, she remained nervous. The final determined two-thirds of her grade. If she screwed up, the past twelve weeks of toil and anxiety would have been for nothing.
The ensuing exam was her last school-related task before the break. Her other two classes required final papers, which she found surprisingly easy to write. After completing Clark’s hellish course, the rest of her program would be a breeze. Had she learned a lot about family law? Absolutely. But she would be happy to move on to less intense class sessions and to say buh-bye to the Socratic method for good.
Eventually, the proctor walked to the front of the class. “If you are here for Professor Clark’s family law final, you are in the right place. If not, please, find an exit.” She paused. The silence was unnerving, but no one rose. “Good. You have three hours to complete the exam. Good luck. Your time starts now.”
“Frankie, you home?” Todd’s sing-song voice coaxed her awake.
“In here.” She groaned, still half in a sleepy trance. After the final, she’d stumbled back to the apartment, dazed and exhausted, and passed out the moment she hit her bed.
Footsteps advanced down the short hall and to Frankie’s open door. “It’s so dark in here,” Todd said, flipping the switch just inside the bedroom. She hissed as the flood of light slapped her across the face.
“Yeesh,” he yelped, eyeing the fatigued mess lying on a drool-soaked pillow. He quickly flicked off the light, chuckling. “I see why you wanted it dark.”
“Bite me.” Her words scratched from her throat but held a considerable amount of affection for her sassy roommate even after he flipped the switch and blinded her again.
“Why are you wearing your shoes and coat in bed?” Todd laughed. Frankie couldn’t have missed the judgment in his voice even if she’d still been sound asleep.
“I just laid down for a second and must have passed out.” She sat up and took her hat off. Sweat lacquered her hair to her head. The distinct sensation of being boiled alive in wintery layers swept over her.
“How was the final?”
“I think it went well . . .?”
“That’s . . . good?” He mimicked her ambiguous tone.
“Let’s just say I’m happy it’s behind me. Now all I have to do is sit and wait.” Frankie peeled off her damp coat, silently cursing the way it trapped body heat so efficiently. “I need a shower.”
“Now that you’re done for the quarter, and since you justhad a four-hour power nap, you have zero excuses,” Todd stated.
“To shower?”
“To come to the Tackle Boxx and watch me perform.” He cringed. “And, yes, shower.”