Page 11 of Give Me All Of You

“I asked you could we talk?”

“And I said no. The fuck didn’t you understand?”

She stood there looking dumb in the face a few more seconds before she stomped her mad ass off. I knew I would not be getting any pussy from her tonight. Don’t get it twisted. If Iwanted it, I could. I rather not deal with the headache, so I’ll just hit up her homegirl. She’s always waiting and willing.

After Kari took her mad ass home, we had one more round of drinks before we left. Knight had a wife and kids to get home to and Murda had kids. I knew Rock would let Peace stay with our parents since it was late, so that just left my single ass to find something wet and warm to fall into before I took my ass home and called it a night.


It was finally the day of the meeting with Knasim, and I was going to get there early so I could have time to talk to JaRue. I told Rock to meet me there because I wanted to stop by a florist and got her a dozen of red roses along with a dozen of sunflowers. That combination was dope as hell, and I hope she appreciated my gesture.

When I pulled up to the funeral home, I saw Rock’s truck parked out front. I had about thirty minutes to spare before the actual meeting started. That was enough time for me to talk to JaRue and apologize for the bullshit the other night. When I got out of my truck and he saw the bouquet in my hand, I knew he was about to talk shit.

“Damn, nigga. Say you like the damn girl without saying you like the damn girl.” He joked.

“Man, watch out. I’m just trying to make up for the bullshit Kari pulled the other night.”

“Yeah, aight,” was all he said as we walked inside. I was glad to see no one was inside of the lobby. I didn’t see JaRue sitting behind the receptionist desk, so I took a seat and waitedon her. Five minutes later, she came from the back. Her face looked flushed, like she was crying, and I immediately got in kill mode. I don’t know who did it, but I was ready to fix it. She didn’t even notice me until I walked up to her desk.

“You need to be more aware of your surroundings, shorty. Anybody can walk up on you, and you wouldn’t know a thing or have time to react.” I knew I startled her by the way she jumped back when she heard my voice. When she realized it was me, she rolled her pretty ass eyes hard as fuck.

“What do you want?” she sassed.

“I got a meeting with Knas, and I wanted to give you these.” I extended the bouquet toward her, and she just stared at them. “It’s a peace offering. I want to apologize about the other night.” I admitted.

“No need.”

“Come on, ma. You can’t charge that shit to me. Besides, it looked as if y’all already had some kind of beef before I came into the equation. Even with all that, I’m extending a peace offering, and an invitation to take you to dinner.”

She gave me a side-eyed glanced before taking the flowers from out of my outstretched hand.

“Thank you for the flowers and the apology, but I have to decline the date. I have too much going on right now to be trying to date anybody. Plus, I know you heard that bitch say that I had a daughter. I would never just go out and leave her so I could get a free meal,” she recited.

Squinting my eyes at her, I didn’t know if I should be offended or not, but I get it. She was a mother before anything, and that minor revelation made me want her pretty ass even more.

“Look, shorty. It’s just a friendly dinner. You can even bring little mama if you want. I love kids. I have a niece that I spend a lot of time with. Maybe we can hook up for a playdate or some shit.” I offered.

Snickering, she said, “How often do you use your niece to get dates?”

“Never. My brother doesn’t play about his daughter and neither do I. I don’t take my niece around anybody, and nobody can ever say that they have been around her. If I’m being honest, I don’t even entertain women who have kids because a nigga like me would make her kid fatherless, and I wouldn’t want that shit on my conscience,” I stated honestly.

“He ain’t lying, shorty. I’on even play about my baby like that.” She looked over at my brother before putting her eyes back on me.

“Then why me?” she asked.

“Why not you?” I countered.

Before she could respond, Knas walked out his office and headed in our direction.

“Aye, I watched you harass my receptionist for the past fifteen minutes. She got your little flowers. Now come on so we can get this shit over with.” He looked between me and JaRue before he spoke again. “Rue you good?”

“I’m fine,” she responded.

I smirked at that nigga before following him into his office with Rock following suit. Before disappearing down the hall, I left Ms. Rue with some parting words.

“Don’t count me out because of that nigga, shorty. You might be missing out on your happily ever after.” I winked my eye at her and left her there to ponder over my words. Oncewe got inside of the office, Knight along with their twin cousins were already seated. It was also another nigga with dreads that I didn’t see the last time I was here.

“You done harassing our damn receptionist?” Knight asked.