Ell-rom seemed in a daze as he thrust into Jasmine as deep as he could go, filling her with a surge of pleasure and then stilling. The connection between them was electric, and Jasmine's body sang with sensations.

There was something magical about true lovemaking, the kind that joined two ethereal souls in the physical realm.

Still, as extraordinary as it was, if Ell-rom didn't start moving soon, she was going to flip them around and ride him like a rodeo bull.

In her imagination, that is.

Ell-rom's first time needed to be about him. She wanted him to explore and discover his pleasure at his own pace.

"Ell-rom," she whispered. "Don't stop."

Her voice must have cleared the fog, and as his glowing eyes refocused on her face, he bared his fangs, pulled back, and slammed into her. The sudden movement took her breath away, pleasure sparking through her body like lightning.

"More," she encouraged, her hands gripping his shoulders tightly.

He obeyed, and as his thrusts became stronger and faster, sending waves of pleasure pulsing through her with every slam of his hips, the sounds that left her lips were definitely not ladylike. Each moan, each gasp, seemed to spur Ell-rom on, his movements becoming more urgent, even frantic.

Looking at him through the haze of her pleasure and satisfaction, she was amazed at the transformation he had gone through. When in the throes of passion, Ell-rom turned from a genteel prince into a lustful beast, his face a mask of concentration and pleasure and his body moving with a primal grace.

Sexy as hell.

Each thrust more merciless than the last, he pounded into her over and over. The bed creaked beneath them, the headboard thumping against the wall in a steady rhythm. Jasmine briefly wondered if anyone could hear them, but the thought was quickly swept away by another wave of pleasure.

He was about to erupt, and given his fully elongated fangs, there was a good chance he would get over his aversion and bite her.

Realizing that this might induce her transition, Jasmine had a moment of panic, but she pushed it aside. After all, this was what she wanted, and if her transition started a little earlier than she'd expected, it was all good.

Scary, but good.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she arched her back to give him deeper access. The new angle sent sparks of pleasureshooting through her, and she cried out, her nails digging into Ell-rom's back.

He slammed into her even harder, the pleasure building up to the point of no return, and then she fell over the cliff, her body writhing as her climax squeezed around his shaft. The intensity of it took her by surprise, waves of ecstasy washing over her in relentless succession.

He jerked, spilling into her, and when he hissed, she closed her eyes and turned her head, exposing her neck, but despite the warning hiss, the bite never came.

When the waves of climax subsided and Jasmine opened her eyes, Ell-rom's head was turned away from her at an odd angle. The realization hit her slowly, breaking through the postorgasmic haze.

Had he bitten the pillow?

Jasmine tried hard not to feel disappointed. She'd told him to take his time. She'd told him that there was no pressure.

This was his first time.

He had just lost his virginity, and it was a cause for celebration. The fact that he hadn't bitten her didn't diminish the beauty of what they had just shared.

Tightening her arms around him, she kissed his neck, tasting the salt of his sweat on her lips. "I love you," she murmured against his skin.

"I love you, too," he murmured, his face still buried in the pillow. His voice was muffled, but the emotion in it was clear.

She caressed his back, drawing soothing circles on his skin, feeling the slight tremors that still ran through his body. "It was amazing, Ell-rom. You were amazing."

He finally lifted his head and looked at her with a skeptical expression on his face. His eyes were still glowing, and Jasmine thought he had never looked more beautiful. "Thank you, but I know that my performance left a lot to be desired."

There was room for improvement, but he had done great for a virgin. The problem was telling him that without crushing his confidence. Jasmine chose her words carefully, wanting to reassure him without seeming insincere.