“Yeah, but I want to go get it. I need to not be Lila for a bit.”
“I’ll go with you.”
“I can—”
“I need some milk anyway, but I’ll keep my distance. I know the rules.”
“Still, I want to talk to you at least. Maybe we can while we’re driving there?”
“I can work with that.” She smiled before I walked to my bedroom to throw on clothes.
Juno told me bits and pieces about her family as we drove. I would have listened longer, but she paused when we pulled into the store parking lot, telling me to go in first and she’d follow.
She stayed an aisle away while I went to find the tea. In the unfamiliar surroundings, it took me a second to find my favorite brand. I normally had it delivered to my LA house, but here, searching for it in person was taking longer than I’d have liked to admit.
I was about to grab the box when I felt someone walk up next to me. Out of habit, I looked to make sure it wasn’t someone with a camera.
But then I did a double take because I knew the man who was only a few feet away.
I’d seen Barry only a few days ago when he helped me write yet another song that could easily be a hit. I knew the crease between his eyebrows, the way one laugh line was deeper than the other, and the way his eyes squinted when he smiled.
Well,Lilaknew those things.
But I wasn’t her right now. I was Rose, who he had only met once.
My eyes moved over to where I knew Juno was and I found her looking at us like someone would look at a train crash.
But then she ducked into another aisle and I imagined it was because she knew if Barry saw her with me, there would be questions.
I turned to him, heart in my throat. “Fancy seeing you here.”
He looked over at me, a slight smile on his face. It was the exact opposite of how he usually looked at Lila.
“Sorry,” I said, laughing awkwardly. “You might not remember me. I was at your bar and you—”
“I remember you.” His voice was low. “But I don’t make a habit of bothering someone at the grocery store.”
My face flamed. “I didn’t mean to bother you. It’s so rare to see someone you know out in public.”
“You’re not botheringme. I just know how some women might feel about a stranger talking to them.”
“Good thing you’re not a stranger,” I said. But then I cursed myself. The best thing to do would be to let this go and not talk to Barry as Rose.
I was bad at doing what was best for me. Something about him made me want more.
He changed the subject with a fond smile on his face. “That’s a good brand of tea. A close friend of mine really likes it.”
There was no doubt in my mind he was talking about Lila. My heart flipped at his gentle tone.
I fanned my on-fire cheeks. “Is it hot in here?”
“It’s pretty chilly for October. Usually, the heat hangs around, but we’re having a false fall.”
“I’m from Canada, so this is summer weather for me.”
“What are you doing in Nashville then?”
“Work, but the city is charming me.”