Page 26 of Movers and Shakers

Maybe I was about to blow my cover.

I rushed back to the hotel, red hair flowing behind me.

I realized how stupid I’d been. I should have kept Rose a secret the whole time. I should have accepted that I was Lila forever and not risked it.

Mom was going tokillme.

I darted through the hotel’s back door, using my room key to get in. I gasped for breath, but I knew I wasn’t safe until I got to my room. Running up the stairs, I threw the key against the door, begging it to open.

The red light blinked at me and the door stayed locked.

“Shit.”I tried again.

Still nothing.

“You might want to step away from that door if you know what’s good for you.”

I froze as I heard Juno’s voice.

I’d been caught.

Maybe for thesecondtime.

I slowly turned, cheeks aflame. Juno stood at her full height, eyes narrowed on me in full bodyguard mode.

Perhaps futilely, I wondered if I could get out of this. “Wrong room?”

But Juno looked me in the eye, brow raised.

“Then what room is yours?”

“Uh, that one?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Why do you sound like . . .‍” She trailed off.

“I just have one of those voices.”

“Fine, maybe you do. I hate being rude, but if this isn’t your room, you need to move on. My job is to be sure the woman inthatroom is not disturbed.”

Had I done it? Had I convinced her?

“O-of course. Sorry.”

Juno still looked pensive as I backed away. I went down the hall, wondering if I should get a room as Rose, but then my phone rang.

Needing a distraction as I turned from her, I pulled it out only to gasp when I sawJuno’sname on my screen.

Lila’s phone screen.

Because in my rush, I didn’t leave her phone at the hotel.

Fuck.I really had been sloppy.

“Huh,” Juno said slowly. “Either you’ve stolen someone else’s phone or you happen to be the very woman I’m supposed to be watching.”

I slowly turned back to her.

“I can explain,” I said.