Page 199 of Movers and Shakers

“You guys can come in!” Liam called. The rest of my family piled into the tour bus.

“Oh my God!” Ruth yelled. She, of course, got in first. I only had a second to react before she pulled me into the tightest hug of my life. “That wassoincredible! I had no idea you were so talented! And the wig! That was so fucking smart, dude!”

“I knew you’d come up with something amazing.” Tom walked in behind her.

“Get in this hug, Tom.”

“I don’t want to crowd.”

Ruth pulled him in with a glare.

When was the last time we’d hugged? It had to have been the night of the tornado when I didn’t know if I would make it to see the next day. But this was different. This wasjoyI felt.

“So, you guys liked it?”

“Welovedit,” Ruth said. “I wish I had come into the bar more to see you live because then I could have told you that you weremadeto do this.”

“You are,” Tom added.

“Thank you,” I said. “I was worried it would be too much.”

“My brother’s going to be a rock star. It’s never too much!”

“And you get to have exactly what you wanted,” Tom reminded. “I told you that you’re the smartest one of all of us.”

“That’s really Uncle Barry under there?” Max’s voice asked from the door.

“I think it is,” Selena replied.

“Sorry,” I said, extracting myself from Ruth and Tom. “I didn’t see you come in.”

“You got a massive hug from Ruth and Tom at first,” Selena said, smiling. “I don’t blame any of you. But honestly, you were great.”

“Did you enjoy the show?” Lila asked.

“Oh my God,” Max said. “I didn’t know you were here.”

She laughed. “It was Barry’s moment.”

“It’s so good to see you again. And it’s so cool that you’re with Uncle Barry. I know I can’t tell anyone—Dad already gave me the lecture—but it’ll be my little secret.” He glanced at me. “Does this mean you and Rose broke up, though?”

Everyone held their breath. Was it wrong to lie to a kid? Because itfeltwrong.

“Max,” Lila said, getting down to his height. “How good are you at keeping secrets?”

“Very. I didn’t even tell Tess I met you because I didn’t want it getting out.”

“Good. Tom, are you okay with him knowing?”

“I trust him,” Tom said. “He really didn’t tell anyone about that meeting.”

“What’s happening?” Selena asked. “What did I miss?”

“Yeah, I feel like a whole conversation is happening that we’re not a part of,” Knox added. I didn’t even know he was in here, but it made sense considering he never left Ruth’s side.

There was a beat where Lila bit her lip, and I wondered what she was about to choose.

“Max,” she began, “I’m Rose too. I’m wearing a wig right now.”