Page 193 of Movers and Shakers

“Are you? You’re the first instrument to open us.”

“I’m always ready, Lila.”

I smiled, knowing it was true. I got into position and started singing my first notes and he joined in right after.

As we got into the show, I realized this practice felt different than all the others. Instead of avoiding looking over at my band, I did more often than ever. Seeing Barry there filled me with more joy than I ever imagined.

In the plan for this tour, I only went over to sing to my band members once, but it didn’t feel like enough now that Barry was back in it. I smiled at him brighter than I would have ever smiled at Mickey.

If he were staying onstage, I’d work in much more time to be next to him.

But he wasn’t, and I needed to remember that.


After the rehearsal, everyone looked less stressed, and I didn’t have the heart to tell them this was a one-time deal.

Rose and I went home where she was finally able to un-Lila herself. She took melatonin and fell asleep right after. I lay awake, still thinking about tomorrow.

I was happy she’d managed to sleep because she needed all the energy she could find for her show the next day. I should have done the same, but I had far too many thoughts swirling in my head.

“You’ll find some way to make it work,”Tom had said.

But I hadn’t. I’d been listening to Lila Wilde, admiring her creativity, all my life. And if we had more time, I was sure we could somehow figure something out. But it was the eve of the concert and we were in the eleventh hour.

When Lila had wanted this, she’d donned a wig and made a new version of herself. And it wasn’t likeIcould do that too.

I froze as the thought hit me.

Was there a reason Icouldn’twear a wig?

I got out of bed, mind reeling. How did I not figure it out sooner? If I followed Lila’s lead, then I could be a different person onstage. I’d never admitted my identity in LA and had hidden my hair.

It was like I was planning for this.

Pulling out my phone, I dialed Malia. She answered on the third ring.

“I have an idea,” I said.

“You do?”

“Yes. What if I had a wig too?”

The line was silent and then she chuckled. “I was about to call you and mention the same idea. I had it last night.”

“Last night? And you didn’t bring it up?”

“Wigs are hard to make, especially if fitted to you. I was spending the day seeing if it was even feasible.”

“What did you find?”

“Someone who would work overnight to get it done. She’s got a good reputation too. I hope you didn’t have plans.”

“I can be free,” I said.

“Thank God. You’ll have to come up with a new name. You never did before.”

“I’ll think about it once I see my new persona.”