“Someone . . . famous needs a fill-in guitarist. It’s not a permanent thing and it’s only for a few weeks, which is longer than I think I can leave for.”
Audrey and Liam glanced at each other. I wondered if they were working on how to tell me no. I had stuff to do anyway. I could probably work on adding more bouncers to the staff or maybe look into hiring another person to help Audrey with clerical work. They did a lot, but I couldn’t expect them to do it all.
Audrey pulled out the walkie-talkie that she only used to communicate with the security staff.
“Hey, Joe?” she asked.
“Yeah?” his deep voice answered.
“Can you be sure Barry Murray doesn’t come back for a few weeks?”
I opened my mouth to ask her what the hell she was doing, but she put up a finger.
“Uh, sure. Why?”
“Because he has something he absolutely has to take care of in LA, and knowing him, he’ll try to find a reason to stay.”
“Oh, is it that thing you wanted him to do? That you said he was being a stubborn ass about?”
“Yep. And I was right. Go figure.”
Joe laughed. “I’ll keep a lookout for him. You’ll have to deal with his wrath, though.”
“Oh, I’m prepared.” She put away the walkie-talkie and finally looked at me. “Sorry, boss. But you’re kicked out. It’s for your own good.”
“Am I being pranked?” I asked.
“Nope.” Liam shook his head. “I’m the one who pranks. She is stone-cold serious.”
“Not to say I told you so,” Audrey added, “but I told you so. We already had a plan for this. Now get your ass to LA and enjoy yourself. We’ll call you if we need you.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
After dinner, I eagerly awaited Barry’s return from talking to Audrey and Liam. I meant to change out of the wig, but I was too busy writing a song about spending time with a family you find rather than the one you’re born with.
It didn’t take him long to get back, though. I was only through writing the first verse when he opened the door.
“Oh, hey. That didn’t take long. What did they say?”
“They kicked me out of the bar,” he grumbled. “Those assholes.”
“What do you mean they kicked you out?”
“I only halfway mentioned I was helping a friend with something in LA when Audrey called security and told them not to let me back in.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “I think I owe her some flowers.”
“She’s too much like Ruth. If those two met, they’d either kill each other or plot world domination.”
“So, you can go to LA?”
“Yes, I can. But I’ll be on call in case they need anything, which they probably will in the end.”
“That’s totally fine. You can step away whenever you need to. And we’ll make it work if you have to come back. I promise.”
“All right, then, I guess I’m packing tonight. What do I even wear to be a stand-in guitarist?”