But it was the end of the night and no one should have been here.
The bar had no guests in it and I’d told Liam and Audrey to head home as I cleaned up.
I’d never been a paranoid person, but I didn’t like the idea of a stranger being close to where I kept my cash. My fists balled and she caught my reaction.
“Relax, I’m not here to rob you.”
“Then why are you standing in the back room of my bar?” I asked suspiciously. “No customers are allowed here, so I’d suggest you get out.”
“You’re fierce, huh? I like it. Makes me feel better about bringing her here.”
She gestured into my office and I poked my head in.
I never thought I’d see Lila again. But there she was, sitting at my desk, twirling her hair between her fingers.
My throat closed.
Her black hair was straight today and her dark lashes were stark against her hazel eyes. She looked up and her gaze landed on me immediately.
“Barry,” she said. Her voice sounded exactly like it had in that alley where she’d been running.
“What happened?” I asked.
She took a shaky breath and then looked at the woman guarding the door. “Juno, can you give us some space?”
That must have not been a sentence she was used to hearing. “You know I’m not supposed to—”
Lila’s face fell. “Just shut the door, at least.”
“Okay.” I walked into the room, feeling odd that a woman I didn’t know was shutting my office door behind me.
“I . . . I don’t even know how to explain why I’m here. But long story short, I need to write an album.”
I took in her frown. “Why do you look upset about it?”
“Blaze saw that I’d written snippets about you.”
“Oh. Was he angry?”
He should have been, but I wouldn’t feel guilty. This was what he deserved.
Lila’s lips pressed into a thin line. “No. He wasn’t. He sent me here to use you to write the album and said we’d change the lyrics later.”
“What? Is that . . . what you want to do?”
“No. Not at all.”
“Then don’t.”
She let out a long breath, eyes falling to the floor. “I have to. Ineedan album. We have a tour booked and ready to go. Everyone is waiting formeto write something so we can get started.”
“Why don’t you write one about what an asshole he is?”
“That’s even worse. Fans want us together.”
“What doyouwant?”