One Year Later
After the tour wrapped, Malia set up interviews. We’d been too busy for them while going around the world, but we all knew people wanted to know more about us.
There had been a lot of speculation, most of which Malia kept us updated on since I’d turned over all of my social media to my team. Most people had correctly assumed we were dating. Somestill believed this was PR, and almost all enjoyed the new music. I found that I cared less and less about what others thought. I wanted to do what feltright,and touring was exactly that.
I was a bit nervous about this interview, especially considering the host was a journalist who had a love-hate relationship with me. He used to love the gossip of my life, and I knew many Lila fans would recognize the name, but I was worried he would ask something I didn’t want to answer.
Barry, sensing my nerves as usual, grabbed my hand. He was in his whole Nyx getup, which had only evolved over the last year. His wig was now perfect and he sometimes temporarily darkened his beard to match his hair, especially on a day like today when we’d be on camera.
He was still ridiculously attractive in this form, but in a messy, rock star sort of way.
“Perez agreed to all the topics to avoid that Malia sent him.”
“I know.”
“And his articles have been respectful in the last year.”
“I know that too.” I took a breath. “It’s so hard doing interviews.”
“I could do the talking for you.”
“And somehow, you’d charm everyone,” I said with a smile. “How do you manage to do that again?”
“The same way you do. By being myself.”
I shook my head. My charisma onstage and in person would never feel as natural as Barry’s, but even I had to admit that it had bled over to me too. Outings were easier, and I even looked forward to them.
“Are you guys ready?” a producer asked.
“Yes,” we both said.
The interview was in a small room and would air on a major news network in a few days. Perez was in the running to get hisown late-night show, which was why he had practically begged Malia to let him do this.
I could only hope he wouldn’t resort to awful ways to get it.
Nyx’s hand squeezed mine, reminding me once again that everything was okay.
Perez entered the room, his face glistening with sweat as if he were as nervous as I was. “H-hi,” he said. “Nice to meet you both.”
“Nice to meet you too. In person, I mean.”
“Have you read my articles?”
“I used to torture myself in the comments of them, actually. I stopped, though.”
“Probably for the best. I’m . . . sorry about the older ones.”
“It’s fine. It’s all fair in celebrity news.”
“Yeah, but it still couldn’t have been fun. I was always a fan, but I guess I lost track of it when the repetitive albums came out.”
“I’ll admit that I did too.” I turned to Barry. “I just needed someone to remind me that I could do what I want. Don’t worry, Perez. The past is in the past. We’re turning a new page.”
“You’re as kind as they all say,” he said with a smile. “Thank you.” He sat across from us, shuffling his note cards in his hands. Once the cameras were rolling, he put on a dazzling smile, all signs of his nervousness gone.
“Welcome, welcome,” Perez said for the cameras. “You two have caused quite the stir.”