Page 20 of Movers and Shakers

And yet, I still came back.

Chapter Three


“You’ve got to solve this problem.” Blaze threw another piece of popcorn in his mouth. “I can’t keep our fans’ interest up forever.”

We sat in our shared house in LA. Technically, it was only mine, but Blaze had moved in the second I bought it, saying rent in this city was way too high and we needed to move in togetheranyway since we were a couple. I’d been all for it back then, but ever since the end of my tour, I’d wanted more space from him. All I could muster was telling him to move into the guest room, something he endlessly complained about.

If it wasn’t about the water pressure in the en suite bathroom, it was that sunlight didn’t hit the windows correctly.

“I’m doing the best I can,” I said slowly, trying not to snap.

“You’re thinking too hard about the wrong thing. That waitress was nothing to me, and it’s been forever since it happened.”

I gritted my teeth. I stared at the empty page in my notebook. Ithadbeen a long time. Months of no progress on either of our ends. Blaze was the perfect man in front of cameras, always trying to hold my hand, always talking up this next album. In private, he was always saying I wasn’t doing enough. I needed to write more about him, do more interviews, and be seen more.

Other pages in my notebook were filled with songs, some angry, un-releasable rock songs, but most longed for a man across the country.

Just write something about Blaze. Anything.

All I could feel was anger.

“I can’t.”

“It was just a little messing around that got out of hand. It wasn’t a huge deal.”

If I had to hear about this little affair one more fucking time . . . I’d heard everything about it, how they talked about how much he missed me, how the kiss was a slip of his judgment, and how she’d been around when I wasn’t.

But I hadn’t heard that it would never happen again or that he was sorry.

“Obviously it’s a big deal if I can’t write songs now.”

“Push past it, Lila. Come on.”

I twirled my fake hair, feeling the thicker strands run through my fingers. I didn’t even want to be Lila right now. Being back in LA grated on my nerves. Everyone—whether it be paparazzi on the street, my fans, or my own team—was begging for more news on the in-progress album, especially since we couldn’t stop the rumors of trouble in paradise.

“How about you fucking apologize,” I snapped back.

He rolled his eyes. “Don’t be dramatic about it. But if you must hear the words:I’m sorry.” They were said mockingly. “I couldn’t help that you were busy and on tour.”

“I was on break and you were travelingwithme!”

“But you werealwayspracticing.”

“Yes, to be sure I could actually do the show.”

He scrubbed his hand over his face. “You always have an excuse. I remember when I could simply look at you and you’d want me. My balls are going to shrivel up and fall off at this rate.”

“Then you shouldn’t have kissed the waitress.”

“It’s just one hurdle, Lila. We can figure this out once you get over this and get back to writing. I’m yourmuse, remember?You should always be able to write things about me.”

“You’re not my muse.”

“Oh? Then is it someone else?”

My mind flashed to Barry.Shit.I didn’t need to be thinking of him right now. “N-no.”