She turned back to me. “I hope you get to meet her one day.”
Again,I added to myself.
“Thank you. That’s very nice of you to say.”
She returned to the dance floor, resuming the smooth movements that had caught my attention earlier. She was beautiful when she danced, reminding me of a certain woman who refused to leave my mind.
I tore away my eyes. I never wanted to be the kind of man who compared women, and I certainly wouldn’t pursue anything with Rose because she reminded me of Lila. In fact, I wouldn’t pursue anything at all with either of them. I had a bar to run; I didn’t have time.
When the bar closed at four, my mind was mostly cleared.
“What a night,” Liam said, brushing away his blond hair from his forehead. “Did you like my shout-out?”
“Thanks,” I said. “And nice moves. How much did you make in tips?”
“Enough to pay my bills for a month. I love this town.”
Everyone wanted to see the dancing bartender, and I didn’t blame them. Liam was a local legend; people rewarded his moves with huge tips. He was also one of the fastest bartenders I’d ever met. When I interviewed him two years ago, he was the only person who’d almost outpaced me.
“People arestilllined up outside,” my other employee, Audrey, announced. Liam’s eyes lingered on her as she walked in. “The sign says we close at four.”
“I can chase them away,” I said.
“I’ve got security on it,” she replied. “If you go out there, you might get accosted by a bachelorette party.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” Liam snickered.
“You guys are good to go home. I’ll clean up shop,” I offered.
“Nope,” Liam said. “You did it alone twice last week. Let us help.”
When I’d hired my employees, I never expected them to offer as much as they did. Movers and Shakers was my venture and I was used to doing most of the work alone. I didn’t know how to stop feeling guilty when they stepped in to take over the responsibilities. They didn’t have to do extra for me.
“You guys can go,” I reiterated. “You did great today and I don’t want to overwork you. Maybe you can still have a social life.”
With each other, if I had a choice.
It was no secret that Liam had a crush on Audrey, and if I was right, she reciprocated it. I’d been hoping one of them would make a move for a year.
“Seriously,” Audrey said. “We can—”
“Enjoy your night,” I interrupted. “I can do this alone.”
“Fine,” Liam grumbled. “But we do it tomorrow. No takebacks.”
“I can agree to that. I have my family dinner anyway. Will you two be okay staying—”
“Yes,” both Audrey and Liam said. He glanced at her, a blush darkening his cheeks. They were so obvious it wasn’t even funny.
“We can take care of the bar,” Audrey continued, “even if your dinner goes over.”
“You deserve time with your family.”
I pressed my lips together. They didn’t know I was looking for a wayoutof being with my family. I hated going to see my parents every week, hearing the same lecture over and over again. But Tom and Ruth wanted me to go, and even though I hated every second of it, they were the two people I somehow still didn’t want to let down.
They’ll come around,that nagging voice in the back of my head said.Keep waiting.
I hated that I listened every single damn time.