What was with people caring about me? Would I ever get used to it?
“Okay,” I grumbled. “I’ll let you know if I need you.”
“Really? You’re not going to fight us?”
“I’m trying out the idea ofnotbeing alone for everything.”
“Finally. It only took me like four years of knowing you.”
I gave her a smile before I saw him at the front door. My heart stuttered in my chest.
I don’t want to be hurt again. I don’t think I can take it.
“You’ve got this,” Audrey said, smiling. “I’m going to get Liam and catch him up. He’s gonna besomad he was in the back for this.”
I watched her leave before I turned back to the door.
“Hey,” I said as I let him in.
He whistled. “This place isnice.People are already at the front door.”
“They line up early.”
“Wow,” he said. “I saw all the buzz, but it’s wild to see it in person.”
“Hi,” Audrey said, returning with Liam on her arm. “I’m Audrey, his favorite employee.”
“Don’t lie,” Liam said. “I’mhis favorite employee.”
“You’re both equal.”
Wilfred laughed. “Really? I heard the boss was strict.”
“Oh, he’s theworst,”Liam said. “A real hard-ass. Did you know he didn’t even tell us about you until today? He actually didn’t tell me at all.”
“You’re falling down the list, Liam.” But I wasn’t mad.
“He’s a little quiet,” Wilfred said. “But I’m starting to see that he opens up over time. Now, can I get a tour? I want to see it all before the people pack in here.”
Liam gave me a thumbs-up as I led Wilfred away. We went to my apartment first, to the back kitchen, and then to the front where I turned on the lights for him.
“This issomething,”he said in awe.
“It’s pretty good for a guy who didn’t attend college,” I said.
“Not everyone needs that. You did what makes you happy.”
“Some people think everyone needs college.”
Wilfred raised an eyebrow. “Who?”
“Did you see the Murray building on the way over here?”
“That’s Todd’s business, right?”
“Not anymore. Tom took it over.”
“He retired?”