Page 163 of Movers and Shakers

“I haven’t been spending any time outside, but I’ve also been doing something good for the soul. I didn’t realize how much I liked playing music until now.”

“Really? You’re playing more?”

“All the time. I could really do this kind of thing forever.”

“Sounds like it’s a dream come true then. I don’t know if you want my advice—‍”

“I do,” I cut in, surprising even myself with the sincerity of it. “I do want your advice.”

“When you find something that you love as much as breathing, do whatever you can to follow it. You’ve only got one life, kid. And if you do it right, you’ll only ever need the one.”

“Even if it’s not what other people do?”

“Especiallyif it’s not what other people do. Be different. It’s what makes us all interesting.”

“Thanks,” I said. “I needed to hear that. But I have ties in Nashville. I don’t think any of this is simple.”

“It’s often not. But life has a funny way of working out sometimes. Maybe things will end up exactly as they should. Give it time and give it your all. You don’t know if you don’t try.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right.” I couldn’t see myself leaving the bar, but I couldn’t see myself walking away from this forever, either. My life felt split in two, an echo of what Rose had to go through every single day.

And I would have to figure out how to do it without creating a secret identity.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Rose’s phone rang right after my meeting ended. It was a number I didn’t recognize. I bit my lip, no clue who it could be—but it was a Nashville area code.

“Rose!” Ruth’s voice said the second I pressed accept. The name sounded wrong when I still had the wig on my head. “Hi,sorry to bother you like this, but I have something to bring up with you in the interest of the girl code.”

“The girl code?” I asked. I checked my watch and saw I only had ten minutes until my next meeting, but this was Ruth. I’d make do.

“Yes. Listen, I may love my brother, but I will ruin his life if he’s a cheater. You know what I mean?”

I blinked, confused. “Um, that’s really nice?”

“Did you know he’s in contact with Lila Wilde?”

My eyes widened. “How did you know?”

“I can recognize my brother even if he’s disguised. And if we’re being honest, the disguise is so fucking suspicious. Why would he need to hide?”

“Probably all the cameras?” I offered. “And it’s okay. I know.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, of course. Barry and I are fine.”

“Are yousure?I know how to kick his ass, you know.”

“It’s fine. I trust him. He doesn’t feel that way about her.”

“But they had a thing not too long ago.”

I winced. On the one hand, it was sweet that she cared so much, but on the other, I wished she didn’t noticeeverything. “Yeah, I knew about that too. Things are different now.”

“How so?”