Page 157 of Movers and Shakers

“No. We were just thinking about upping the number of people allowed in.”


“The bar is busy, in a good way. The change to the dance night has really made things explode. And I sent out a survey that confirmed that most people would rather deal with crowds than wait.”

“But if we up the maximum guest list, we can’t keep an eye on things.”

“We have the money to double the staff. I’m serious, Barry. The change to the dance nights has been good.”

“If we double the staff, then I need to be there to hire them.”

“I mean, we could hire them. If you trust us, of course.”

“I trust you,” I rushed to say, because I did. “But hiring has always been my thing. I’m good at it.”

“You’re also good at guitar and you deserve to take time with it.”

“Wait, can you teachhowyou hire?” Liam asked. “We can try replicating it and send you who we’re thinking about.”

“But you guys are taking care of the whole bar.”

“Yes, but we can handle some interviews. We’ll come in early and do them before we open.”

“You deserve time off.”

“And doyoutake time off?” Audrey asked.

“That’s not the point.”

“Barry, when we said yes, we knew we’d be working more. You pay us so much so it isn’t a problem.”

“It doesn’t feel like enough.”

“Why not?” Liam asked. “We’re happy, and we want to help. Why is that so hard for you to understand?”

I knew why. I did everything alone and asking for help made me feel like I wasn’t doing enough.

“We can drop the idea,” Audrey said. “It’s a big change, and I know—‍”

“What was the plan?” I asked. “To add a larger guest list.”

“I was going to hire more staff and then do it. We’d start with adding fifty occupants, which is still way under the fire safety limit, and see how the guests like it.”

“And if they don’t?”

“We go back to the way things were and still keep the staff.”

It wasn’t a bad plan at all. In fact, it was a good one. I wasn’t there, and as much as it killed me, I needed to trust their judgment.

“Okay,” I said. “Do it, but I want to see the reviews.”

“Yes!” Audrey cheered. “Thank you, Barry. We’ll send you everything.”

“Thanks, man,” Liam added. “We won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t.”

“And now no more talk about work. It’s personal time. How are things with you and she who must not be named?”