Page 155 of Movers and Shakers


Malia was true to her word and added a meeting to my calendar for the next day. I wondered just how much I was about to be questioned about Barry and my reasoning for not including “On This Night” on the tour.

Barry offered to go with me, but I turned him down. He’d looked stricken when Justice had mentioned him joining thetour, and I refused to make him feel forced to stay longer than he had to.

I told him to check on his bar, and even he couldn’t hide his sigh of relief when I said those words. This was the longest he’d ever been away from it.

However, walking into Malia’s office made me regret telling him not to come. I wassonot ready for the interrogation.

“Hi, Lila,” she said. “Sit down. Want some water?”

“No, I’m good.” I tried to sound casual, but my voice shook. “If this is about Barry, then—‍”

“This isn’t about Barry at all. It’s about you.”

My heart stuttered. “Wh-what about me?”

“Have you ever heard the name Rose Hill?”

And now my heart completely stopped.No way.How did she know? Could I get out of this with my secret intact? “Um, no?”

Malia raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because she’s seeing your man. Or not really, considering youareher.”


I didn’t have anything to say to her. I just knew I was in trouble. Big trouble.

“Don’t look so worried,” Malia said. “It’s a good thing that I know. I can bury the lead I followed, and the only reason Ididfigure it out is because Barry introduced himself.”

“I’m sure you have questions.”

“Questions? About how you can disappear and feel normal for a bit? I think it’s obvious why you did this and it was smart to start from the beginning.”

“And you won’t tell anyone?”

“Absolutely not. I know your last agent would have used this against you, but not me. I only care about your well-being, and if this is how you keep your life safe and sound, then I will do everything in my power to keep this secret for you. You deserve peace.”

“So . . . you’re cool with it?”


“You don’t think it’s weird?”

“Maybe if you came to me when you were up-and-coming and said you wanted to create a new persona, but even if you had a good explanation, I would have accepted it. I’m assuming Barry knows?”

“Yes. And Juno.”

“Anyone else?”

I shook my head.


“No. I never trusted him like that.”

“You made the right choice, considering he’sstillusing your name to his advantage.”

“Did he do anything else?”