Page 152 of Movers and Shakers

Barry sat up, his sleep disturbed. He gave me a questioning look.

My parents,I mouthed to him.

“Of course I’m fine! Well, as much as I can be, considering you’re letting people know about your secret. I saw this man at the store and helookedat me like he knew who my daughter was.”

Even though I knew there was no way Barry had told, I checked Google anyway. “No one knows. All I see is an article about how I’m a Hollywood sellout.”

Barry’s hand covered my phone and I pulled it away to close the internet tab.

“People know, Rose. I knew this would happen when you finally broke.”

“Linda,” Dad said, his voice tight. “She’s being responsible. The only people who know aren’t going to tell anyone.”

“Why are you with Mom?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about it, Rosie. You have a lot going on.”

“Telling me not to worry about something isn’t going to make me not worry. You never go see Mom.”

“You’re right. I don’t. And look at what’s happening.”

“I’mfine!”Mom shouted in the background again.

“I’ve got things here,” he said. “You focus on work.”


“Rosie, I’m your father. Let me handle something for you. I love you and I’ll talk to you later.”

He hung up without another word.

My jaw was on the floor. Since when did Dad even have an authoritative tone, much less use it?

“What happened?” Barry asked.

“My dad’s being responsible,” I said slowly. “Which isnotwhat he does. He travels the country and leaves his kid behind.”

“Is that what he did to you?”

“Yes,” I said. “I mean, we’re fine now. Mom always said he was never meant to be a dad, but this doesn’t make sense. It’s unlike him.”

“Maybe he grew up.” Barry shrugged. “What did your mom say?”

“She’s panicking as usual. She thinks you’re going to tell everyone who I am.”

“Not happening.”

“I know, but she can be unreasonable when she’s like this.”

“Maybe it’s good that you’re not dealing with it.”

“Yeah,” I said. “It is. It’s just unlike Dad to do anything about these moods. Usually, it falls to me.”

“Take the help,” Barry replied. “You don’t need to take on anything else right now.”

I looked at my hands. I felt like I should be doing more for Mom. Dad didn’t like being there with her, and if I stepped in, maybe I could shorten the time he was stuck.

But then Barry’s hands covered mine.