“And you are too. How did I get so lucky?”
“How didIget so lucky?”
I kissed him, needing to feel him on me again. He hovered over me as he maneuvered his cock right at the entrance of my pussy, ready to push inside of me.
“We should get a condom,” he said.
“I have an IUD and I get tested. I don’t have anything.”
“Neither do I, but I don’t usually do this without other forms of protection.”
“You can get one,” I said. “But I would also love to feel you bare inside of me.”
His eyes darkened as his mouth came down on mine again. “Only with you,” he muttered into my lips, “would I do this.”
I hooked my legs around him, bringing him closer and moving him slightly inside of me.
My core clenched, desperate to feel more. He slowly slid in the rest of the way. I gasped, breaking the kiss as my head fell back on the pillow.
“Are you okay?”
“More than okay,” I said.
“Good,” he replied. “Because I don’t think I can hold back anymore.”
He pulled out and slammed back in. His hips jerked as his cock sank inside me repeatedly. He tried to kiss me again, but our lips barely touched as both of us were lost in how good and right this felt.
There was nothing as good as this, I decided. Nothing. I was floating again, my body enjoying each of his thrusts. I could feel the heat building.
“I’m gonna . . .” I trailed off, lost in sensation.
“Do it, sunshine. Come on my cock.”
And I did. I let out a near yell as my vision whited out. Pure pleasure danced up my spine and took over my brain.
“Fuck,” he said, and his thrusts became erratic. I felt him come just as my orgasm faded away.
“You’re good at sex, singing, and guitar,” I said as my mind came back online. “Is there anything you’re not good at?”
“Not thinking of you.”
While I wanted nothing more than a round two with Rose the next morning, I didn’t get a chance because she had to spend the day getting ready to meet Max and everyone else as Lila. It took a long time for her to become a completely different person, and while I knew why, I also wanted more time with her.
The plan was to meet in the middle of the day at Tom and Selena’s place. Tom wasn’t in much of the public eye, making his place safer than any of ours. Despite it being a weekday, everyone made the time to see Lila Wilde—other plans didn’t matter when she was involved.
I was sent to wait with everyone while she arrived. Rose told me it would make us look less close.
“Whew,” Max said, nearly dancing on his feet. “What do I say to not look like a fool?”
“She’s nice,” I promised. “Just like any other person. You don’t need to worry about everything you say to her.”
“Yeah, but I want to tell her I’ve listened to all of her songs. Is that too much?”
“I don’t think so.”
Tom watched from where he was sitting on the couch. He and I hadn’t talked yet, but I was sure he was wondering why I was letting it slip that I knew Lila, especially since I’d been so tight-lipped about it before.