Page 139 of Movers and Shakers

“Yeah, I’ll be free.”

“And also, it’s Barry’s family. And I’ve met all of them as Rose.”

“Wow. Um, is that a good idea?”

“Not really, but Barry’s nephew is so sweet and loves Lila. I don’t want to let him down, but I need to watch myself closely and be sure Rose doesn’t slip tomorrow.”

“I can help with that.”

“And watch Ruth. She’s apparently very smart.”

“Watch you and a woman named Ruth. Got it. I’ll come and get you tomorrow.”

“Thank you. For both doing this and not lecturing me about how this could be a bad idea.”

“You’ll have Barry with you, so he’ll help too. Besides, you deserve to do some things you like. I know that now.”

I couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on my face as I thanked her once again. I let her get back to her night and I worked on relaxing.

And that turned into songwriting. I was too inspired being in Barry’s home in a city of music. I was still thinking of that kiss from earlier, the one that was far too short.

I was jotting a few lyrics in my notebook when Barry walked in the door.

“So they weren’t lying,” he said, “they don’t need me.”

“Did you ask them about coming to LA?”

“Not yet. They might have the bar under control, but they were incredibly busy. What are you up to?”

“Writing a song,” I admitted.

“Aren’t you supposed to be on a break?”

“My inspiration doesn’t take those, unfortunately.”

“What are you writing?”

“Something I don’t think I can ever put in a song. The lyrics are . . . horny.”

“They’rewhat?Let me see.”

I handed over my notebook, cheeks warming.

I didn’t write sexy stuff since my fans were younger, and I doubted I would change that. Some peoplestillcomplained that I’d started cursing in my work. This was only for me and I hoped Barry didn’t think it was too much.

“You should definitely make a song out of this.”


“For one thing, it’s great. And for another, I wouldn’t mind the world knowing that you feel this way for someone, especially if it’s me.”

“Of course it’s you.” I rolled my eyes. “You’re the one who gave me that kiss in the car. It was only like a second, but it was enough.”

“If you come here, sunshine, I’ll finish the job.”

And just like that, I was a woman who followed orders. My notebook was forgotten on the counter the second I stepped into his space and pressed my lips against his again.

In seconds, I was desperate to have more of him. His woodsy, warm scent enveloped me, flushing all my senses with his presence.