Page 134 of Movers and Shakers

“Are you making sure they can hear you from space?” I asked, though I was smiling.

“I’m making sure Mom and Dad can. Sometimes they get into their own world and it’s just gross.” He turned to Rose. “Hi, I’m Max.”

“Rose. It’s nice to meet you.”

“I’m Ruth,” my sister greeted. “Sorry, I’m just not used to Barry having friends. It’s nice to meet you.”

She walked over and held out a hand to Rose, who shook it. I watched, hoping she wouldn’t look too closely.

I should have known better.

Ruth had a pretty good poker face, but I saw her eyes linger on Rose’s features for half a second too long. Maybe she didn’tnotice how much Rose looked like Lila, but I doubted it. She was far too observant.

“You know,” Ruth started, “you looksofamiliar.”

“I just have one of those faces,” Rose replied, but her voice wavered.

“You two also like the same coffee shop,” I replied. “Maybe you’ve seen each other there.”

“That must be it,” Ruth said, looking away. “And props to you for remembering the coffee shop I liked.”

“You got caught there with Knox.”

“So youdidsee that. Thanks for not mentioning it at the time. That whole situation was a nightmare.”

“I bet,” Rose replied. “It’s nice to actually put faces to names. I’ve only really met Wilfred.”

Ruth’s jaw dropped. “She has? When?”

“She went with me to meet him,” I explained. “Moral support and all that.”

“Yeah, because you’re so quick to ask for moral support,” Ruth said. “Did you blackmail him to make him trust you? Be honest.”

Rose laughed. “No. I just annoyed him into it.”

“If only that worked for me, but then again, I’ve annoyed him in so many other ways that I think I should spare him. How did it go, meeting Wilfred?”

“Um, good,” I said. “He was all right.”

More than all right, but I didn’t want her to know that just yet. Not when we were finally getting along.

“Uncle Barry, I hate to pull you away from your conversation,” Max said, “but we have much to discuss.”


“Our favorite singer.”

I paused and could practically feel Rose’s eyes shoot to me.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Goodbye, Hello? The future album of the year?Amazing.Easily the best thing she’s ever put out. I can’t stop listening to it, especially with the mystery man. Ineedto know who it is.”

“Mystery man, huh?” Rose asked. I could hear her smile. “I wonder who he could be.”

“Hopefully someone who makes her happy,” Max said. “Are you a fan too?”

“Sometimes I am.”