I did, and selfishly, I wanted him here for longer. I was sure he was stretching it by being out as long as he was, but it still didn’t feel like enough time.
Maybe it never would.
“Do they ever lay off?” I asked from the limo. I’d been told to go with Juno, before Lila, since she didn’t want anyone to pick up on who I was. I’d grumbled about it but listened since she was the one who would be affected if peopledidcatch on.
“No,” Lila said. “But it’s worse than usual right now because of the buzz about the album. They’re just trying to get a reaction.”
“I don’t like that they treat you like a piece of meat.”
“To them, I’m just a way to get paid.” She shrugged. “I’ve made my peace with it.”
I didn’t like seeing her walk with her head down as she avoided their gazes. She stood tall, as she always did when she was Lila, but she nearly ran to the limo.
“So this is how it always is for you?”
“Yes. And if it’s too much, I can send a car for you.”
“I didn’t mean forme.I can just see why you guard this secret with your life.”
“Yeah.” She nodded. “Did I tell you about my first outing in Nashville by myself? I went to this coffee shop and I saw a camera andpanicked.I thought they had somehow tracked me down. But they were there for Knox Price.”
“Knox Price? Like my sister’s Knox Price?”
“Is there more than one?” She laughed. “I think it’s funny I encountered your sister and her boyfriend before I even knew who they were.”
“They weren’t dating then. Knox was just annoying her like he always did.”
“Are you sure? Theylookedlike they were.”
“Ruth is stubborn, and he knew that from the day they met.”
“How did they meet?”
“They went to high school together, but they were rivals then. Well, Ruth thought he was her rival, but he didn’t feel the same way. I don’t think he ever did.”
“I’d love to meet them both officially someday.”
“You can. Maybe come back as Rose.”
Her smile grew wider. “Thank you for coming out here.”
“It’s no problem. It’s nice to see a different part of the country. In a different life, maybe I was a guitarist that toured the world or something.”
“You’d be incredible at it, but I think you’re incredible at most things you put your mind to.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
Lila’s New Bodyguard . . . Would You Bang Him?
By Perez Adder
We all know of Lila Wilde’s usual bodyguard, Juno. She’s buff, tough, and doesn’t let anyone mess with her woman. When our favorite pop star is roaming the streets, Juno is in tow.
But this time, there was a new bodyguard with her.