After I’d meticulously gotten his hair into his hat, he looked like a different man. His jawline was more pronounced with his hair up and so were his stormy eyes.
“Nice to meet you, Barry.” She smiled and then turned to me. “I know we have a lot to talk about.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about all the controversy from this album?”
“Because Sasha warned me that you were nervous to make it.”
She wasn’t wrong.
“But I should have known.”
“Would it have stopped you from making it?”
“M-maybe, but—”
“None of the buzz is reallythatbad.Some people are upset and some people are calling it a conspiracy, which they always do. They’re social media comments.”
“But I take them to heart.”
“I know you do, and that can be dangerous. I’ll admit that I wasn’t sure if not telling you was the right call, and I’m sorry I upset you. But you’re so talented that I didn’t want you to water it down because of people you don’t know.”
“I could have changed things to make it more palatable.”
“Have you ever had an album that everyone liked?” Barry asked.
I looked over at him. “No, but I’m sure it’s possible. Other people have done it.”
“No one has made everyone happy,” Malia said, shaking her head. “It may seem like it, but every artist has someone who hates them vehemently. We don’t often notice it because it isn’t us.”
“Mia said it was possible, though.”
“She has a history of not being truthful,” Malia reminded. “Though, I know I’m not perfect either. I should have asked more questions about why you were so worried about opinions rather than making the decision. This is a new working relationship and I made a bad call. But this album is great, Lila. It’s true toyou,and you were happy making it. You deserve to release it, no matter what the world might think.”
I looked at my hands, knowing she was at least correct about that. I glanced over at Barry who was somehow staying by my side despite my own misguided lie to him. If he could do that for me, then I could try again with Malia.
“I don’t want to be lied to again,” I said. “I want to know if there’s controversy. But not the details. Iwashappier without seeing the comments.”
“I will be sure to let you know,” she said.
“So then, what is the general consensus? The good and bad? What I saw were peoplebeggingme to get back together with Blaze.”
“There are a lot of younger fans who feel that way. They think this is you straying from your roots, but many feel this is a great new direction for you. What isyourconsensus about the album?”
“I like it,” I said, and I glanced over at Barry again. “I got to write it with a good friend.”
Malia’s eyebrows rose and I wondered if I should have even made the comment in front of her, but she didn’t say a word.
“That’s good, then. Your opinion is the main one I care about. You deserve to be happy with what you release.”
“She’s right,” Barry added.
I looked between them, feeling more grounded with the two on my side. “Okay, then. I’ll try to focus on me more.”
“So, Barry,” Malia asked. “How long are you staying?”
“Only for a few days. I have a . . . thing at home I have to get back to.”
“Well, I’ll be the first to say that I’m happy Lila has some good support. She definitely needs that.”