“I have no more.”
“And be honest with me. Even if you’re telling me you never want to see me again. I don’t need to be protected, okay?”
“Of course,” I said. “I don’t think I can ever lie again. At least not to you.”
“Can I know the story of how all of . . . this happened?”
I nodded, sitting up. My phone was forgotten on the bed.
“I got my songwriting talent from my dad. He’s a songwriter. A free spirit too. But those were the two things my mom hated, especially the fame he had. It only got worse when I wanted to be famous too.”
“Juno told me a little about her. And it’s . . .”
“Yeah, it’s bad. She keeps moving farther and farther away from cities to escape the idea of anyone knowing her, and that’s even when I’m hiding who I am. If I didn’t . . . who knows. Maybe she would have stopped talking to me. Being two people was better for us all. I told no one.”
“Blaze didn’t know?”
“Nope, and neither does Mia. Juno only found out because I was trying to get into Lila’s room as Rose at one point, and even then, when Mom found out, she begged me not to tell anyone else. But I’m not the only one. She told Juno not to let me tell you either. Andthreatened her.”I shook my head, trying not to think of the conversation that had just happened.
“You were just on the phone with her, right?”
“Yeah. She’s not happy that you know, but it was the right thing to do. It was a mess—everything was. But I know I should have stuck to my guns and told you the minute I knew you wouldn’t tell anyone, but I tried to make Mom and Juno happy.” I shrugged. “It didn’t help.”
“You don’t need to make others happy. The only one that matters is you.” It seemed to work for him. He’d found the balance of being kind to others and living for himself. I just didn’t know if that kind of life was even possible forme. “I’ve been thinking about how it went down. Iwastreating you differently because you’re Lila Wilde.”
“I don’t blame you. She’s interesting. And has all of this.” I gestured to the things around me. “Rose is . . . just Rose. It makes sense that you were beguiled by Lila and not—”
“Remember what I said in the car? I said I liked Rose, but I met Lila first. Now I don’t have to worry about it. Thetwowomen I like are the same one.”
I blushed, looking at the ground, but then a thought hit me. “Just so you know, once you’re seen with Lila, Rose is off the table.”
“Wait, why?”
“Because if you’re in Lila’s orbit, your privacy is gone. You’re seen and then you’re followed. And if you’re seen with Rose, then you’re a cheater, or someone will see who I am and then—”
“They might put it together.”
“This,all of this,is a mess. Even more so now that I’ve released these damn songs.”
“Wait, what’s wrong with the songs? Is that what you were upset about?”
“Have you seen the fan reaction?”
“No. I don’t pay attention to that stuff.”
“It’s bad,” I said. “So bad that I feel like I’ve ruined my career because I’m mad at Blaze.”
“Let me see.”
I wordlessly handed him my phone. I was still on social media, looking at all of their reactions. As he read them, I waited for understanding to dawn on his face. Instead, his brows furrowed.
“Why are these people worried aboutyourrelationship status?”
“They’re my fans and I’ve always been with Blaze.”
“But it’s none of their business. Why do they get any say in your life? They don’t know what went on behind closed doors.”
“They gave me everything.”