Page 103 of Movers and Shakers

As I pulled away from the curb, I was only sure of one thing: I was desperate to hear Lila’s voice. I turned on her music, letting it fill the quiet car.

She sounded as she always did, but familiar in a new way. It had to be because of how much time I’d spent with her. She’d infected everything, making me hear her even in Rose.

But that was a ridiculous idea and I didn’t know why I kept returning to it.

Because they wereobviouslytwo separate people.


Chapter Twenty-One


Islammed the door when I got inside the Airbnb, making Juno jump. My heart was in the depths of hell and I felt like I’d ruined everything.

No, IknewI had.

“Is everything okay?”

“He wants Lila,” I muttered, falling face-first onto the couch. “He turned me down so nicely because he’s too hung up overher.”

“Oh,” she said slowly. “So, you can reach out to him as Lila—‍”

“No,” I said. “No more lies. Going back and forth feelsawful.”

“You’re protecting yourself.”

“With lies? This is wrong, Juno.”

“But there isn’t another option.”

“Of course there is. I could havetoldhim—‍”

“No,” she said. “Do you know how much that would upset people?”

“People? Like who?”

“Your mom, for one.”

I opened my mouth to tell her Mom wouldn’t know, but then I paused. “How do you know my mom would be upset?”


“I haven’t told you anything about her.”

Juno sighed. “You didn’t, butshedid when she tracked me down.”


“It started when I went looking—‍”

“No. I didn’t want you to go looking.”

“What if you had a husband and kids and they needed protection? I wanted to know the whole story and I found out about a woman named Linda Hill in Canada. She was the reason you’ve been leading a double life, right? You wanted her to have peace.”

“Yes, which is why I didn’t tell you.”

“I didn’t plan to do anything with the information. I only called her to see if she was a real person.”