She grasped my arm and tugged me in close, her gaze fixed on Vihaal.
“This one is very sexy,” she said in a voice not as quiet as she supposed.
“Mom!” I whispered, shocked and embarrassed.
“Are you getting up to some nasty things with these men, Angel?” she asked, in an excited and eager voice.
“I’m not telling you that!”
“Bridget,” Vihaal said. “I can assure you that Gideon and I are treating Angel very well.” He lowered his chin and sobered his gaze. “Very, very well.”
My mom let go of me and smiled. “That’s all I wanted to know. Now, let’s eat. Get the plates, Angel. I wantthatman to have the biggest turnover,” she said, pointing at Vihaal.
I got the plates, dying a little on the inside.
* * * *
Afterward, on our way to the cars, I apologized.
“About what?” Gideon asked, popping the last of his turnover in his mouth and licking his fingers.
“About my mom and her failing memory. Also, she doesn’t have much of a filter anymore. She was rude and I’m sorry.”
“Angel, she’s a very old woman,” Vihaal remarked. “I think we can forgive her that.”
“I thought she was lovely,” Gideon said. “And hilarious. I think she did it all on purpose.”
“Well, the first part, when she pretended not to know who you guys were, yes. That was a joke on me. For sure.”
“It was a good one,” Vihaal affirmed. “She’s got a spark, your mom.”
“Yeah. Lucky me,” I joked.
“Angel,” Vihaal said, turning me around and giving me his stern look. “Youarelucky. She’s incredibly open-minded for someone of that generation. And sex-positive. My own mother cursed me and sent me to the Devil when she found out I was gay.”
I gaped at him. “Really?”
“Yes. But it’s all right. Satan and I are on very good terms.”
I smiled. “Yeah, okay. That’s true. She’s pretty awesome. I’m just…I’m embarrassed.”
“I know. And it looks good on you. Remind me to embarrass you more often.”
Gideon laughed with glee as we parted to go to our cars.
* * * *
In the Bordello, Vihaal got right down to business.
“Both of you, clothes off. Fold them neatly and put them on the settee,” he said. “And Angel.”
“Yes, Vihaal?”
Vihaal nodded at the St. Andrew’s cross. “You’re going up there.”
I gaped at him. “On that…on thecross?”