“Oh! She gets around, that woman. Barely remembers my name but she wants to meeteveryone.”His eyes went wide. “Oh, she’s out of cookies!”
“I’ll get some more.”
“Yeah, yeah. Tell her I said hi. She won’t remember me.”
We got into the elevator. I was pretty sure my face was beet red. Vihaal and Gideon watched me with surprise and way too much enjoyment.
“What?” I said, trying to hide in the corner of the elevator. “She likes cookies.”
“So do all her friends, apparently,” Vihaal said, smiling.
I looked at the bag in my hand. “I should have brought cookies. I thought she’d like something different for a change.”
“And it’s a special occasion,” Gideon said, bumping me.
“Is it? I’m starting to wonder,” I said with a sardonic lilt.
“Why are you embarrassed? Is this some holdover from pretending to be straight?” Gideon asked.
I laughed. “Maybe. I don’t know. It’s just that I’ve put a lot of energy into impressing you both. And this is kind of…well, it’s just sad and boring.”
“Honestly, Angel. What’s more impressive than a man who’s not afraid to do nice things for people?” Vihaal asked. “Kindness in general is underrated.”
“You’re the coolest,” Gideon said, leaning in to kiss me.
I practically combusted with fear that the elevator doors would open and we’d cause some kind of medical incident.
“Hey, can we keep the PDA for Molly’s?” I whispered, even though we were the only ones in the elevator. “Some of these folks have delicate coronary systems.”
Gideon burst out a laugh. “I’ll try to keep my hands off you.”
“And I’ll make sure he does,” Vihaal said, winking.
I’d already told them that my mom knew we were more than friends. And that she was cool with the whole bisexual/gay thing. But I wasn’t sure about any of the other residents.
“This is it,” I said, pointing to number three-one-eight and taking a deep breath before I knocked.
“Mom, it’s Angel,” I said in a loud voice so she’d hear me.
“Angel who?” she asked from inside the room.
“Very funny. I’ve brought some people to meet you,” I said. “Are you decent?”
“Not at all. But come in anyway.”
I glanced at Vihaal and Gideon.
“Hold on,” I said.
I pushed the door open a crack and saw her sitting up in bed with a sweater on over her nightgown and the covers pulled up around her waist.
I beckoned Gideon and Vihaal to follow and went in.
“Mom, how come you’re in bed?” I asked.
“Didn’t feel like getting up. Give me a break, I’m seventy-nine.”
“Hey, remember I told you I was bringing Vihaal and Gideon to meet you?”