“Yes,” I said. “What are you going to do about Dominic?”
“I don’t know yet. That comment about Alice has got me thinking. Even if we don’t find anything definitive, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with Dominic in that position anymore.”
“No. That’s fair.”
“I’ll have to give him some notice and a decent severance package. It might be worth it for the peace of mind. I can’t believe I’ve trusted him as long as I have.”
* * * *
Gideon was waiting for us at their place.
“So? How did it go with Dominic?”
“About as you’d expect,” Vihaal muttered.
“Huh. What did you think of him, Angel?”
“Not much, to be honest. He gives me the creeps.”
“Nobody likes Dominic,” Gideon affirmed. “I don’t know how you’ve put up with him so long, V.”
“Yes, I’m starting to wonder that myself,” Vihaal said, patting his knee. “Come here. I want to kiss you.”
Gideon smiled and rushed over, seating himself on Vihaal’s lap and throwing his arms around him. They kissed with passion and lots of tongue as I watched, Gideon giggling and Vihaal trying not to smile.
“Well, you’re in a good mood,” Gideon murmured, glancing at me. “How on Earth did you manage it?”
I shrugged. “Vihaal told me about being sent to boarding school.”
“Oh, yes, thewoe is me, my family is so rich that I was cast aside,story. Please. You had it pretty good, V.”
“I was very homesick.”
“Oh, baby, I know. I’m sure you were. But then you became the hottest, queerest, and kinkiest member of the school, and the rest is history.” He got off Vihaal’s lap and gave him a formal bow.
Vihaal gazed at Gideon for a long moment.
“Be honest with me, Deo. Do you think my father deliberately put someone in charge of Tarnish who would steal from me? From us?”
Gideon’s expression sobered. “Honestly? I wouldn’t put it past him.”
“I’m starting to wonder.”
“I have good instincts about people, you know. I was right about Angel.”
“Yes. You were.”
Gideon glanced at me, then returned his gaze to Vihaal.
“I told V that I thought you were at least bi, or maybe pan, or maybe even mostly gay but suppressing it. And that once we got you to see it, all that repressed sexuality would come pouring out, hopefully over us both.”
“Wow.” I laughed. Because he’d been right. He’d been so, so right.
Chapter Eighteen
“Did you bring the cookies?” Mom asked.