Page 82 of The Laughing Game

“It’s not Alice,” Vihaal stated, in a tone that I recognized as one not to be messed with.

In a moment the door opened. A man in jeans and a ratty sweater stood there, his hair messed, as if he’d just gotten out of bed. He was shorter than both of us and the thick stubble on his face added to his unkempt appearance. His eyes flashed to me and back to Vihaal.

“Vihaal. You didn’t tell me you were paying us a visit.”

Vihaal shrugged. “I didn’t plan it. Thought I’d pop in. This is Angel Barnett. He’s going over the books for me.”

Dominic turned a suspicious glance to me. “Oh.”

“Angel, this is my manager, Dominic Pineda.”

I held out my hand. “Nice to meet you.”

Dominic gave me a fake smile. “Well, come in. Sit down.”

He opened the door wider and beckoned us into an office that was in a state of general disarray. He tidied up some papers and moved a box of supplies out of the way.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming.”

“I wanted to show Angel my store. He’s never been here.” Vihaal gestured for me to take one of the empty wood chairs.

I sat. Vihaal took the chair beside mine. Dominic sat in the chair behind the desk.

Vihaal gave the top of the desk a critical look.

Dominic laughed nervously. “I would have tidied up if I’d been expecting you.”

Vihaal didn’t reply.

Dominic turned to me. “Are you an accountant?”

“I am.”


I blinked. “Yes, I’m certified.”

“Angel is perfectly qualified to look over the books. And he’s working for me, so you can ask me any questions you have.”

“Is there a problem?” Dominic asked.

“That’s what I’m hoping to find out,” Vihaal said.

“You know, Vihaal,” Dominic said, steepling his fingers and leveling a look of confidence at Vihaal. “Your father recommended me because of my vast arena of skills with antiques assessments and accounting.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“Mm hmm. So I take a slight offense to being second-guessed,” Dominic said.

I glanced at Vihaal. I was already agreeing with Gideon. This guy was a dick.

“Noted. But irrelevant. This is my store, isn’t it?”

“Well, yes but your father—”

“I’m well aware that my father helped me set the place up. But his name is not on any of the ownership documents. He recommended you and so I hired you.”

“Yes. Do you think he would recommend someone who was incompetent?” Dominic asked.