Page 76 of The Laughing Game

“Not at all,” Vihaal murmured. “But a bourbon and a movie would be nice, if we can agree on something.”

* * * *

There were two full bathrooms at Gideon and Vihaal’s place. Gideon offered to use the one downstairs because he kept some of his products there. Vihaal let me take my shower in the en suite bathroom first.

There was a double vanity topped with marble, and the shower enclosure was tiled in slate, with a rain showerhead and a bench. It would have fit all three of us, to be honest. I had half expected Vihaal to join me but I wasn’t upset to have the gorgeous room to myself.

The water pressure was sublime and I closed my eyes, enjoying the pounding of the wet heat on my muscles. The liquid soap that I pumped from a fancy-looking bottle in the little alcove smelled like pineapple and reminded me of him.

There was a knock on the bathroom door. “Can I come in?”

“Sure,” I said immediately. It was Vihaal’s and Gideon’s bathroom after all, and he’d already seen me naked.

He came into the room in only his boxer briefs. Vihaal was an incredibly good-looking man. In a completely different way than Gideon, but not any less affecting. They were like two sides of the same card—one small and pretty, the other tall and imposing.

Vihaal was much more masculine-looking than Gideon, and possessed an air of confidence in his own physical attractiveness that was highly alluring. Gideon didn’t seem to care what anyone thought of him, whereas Vihaal was proud of his physical stature, and he had every right to be. His smooth skin was the color of burnished bronze and had reflected the lamplight of Maverick Molly’s so beautifully. He had aristocratic features,and dark black hair with a bit of a wave. The hair on his body was light in weight, but dark in color.

“Well look at you. All wet,” he said with a grin, as he leaned against the vanity and crossed his arms over his chest. He watched me as I stood there with a palm full of body wash, not knowing how to reply to that comment.

It was a shower. So yes, I was definitely wet.

“Well? Aren’t you going to use that soap, Angel?” he asked, gazing at me with an indefinable expression. “Or would you like me to do it for you?”

Chapter Sixteen

I stared at Vihaal for a long moment, unashamed of my nudity, knowing that this man had taken me in hand in the best of ways, when I hadn’t even known that was what I’d craved.

“Yes, Vihaal,” I said, giving myself up to him.

I wanted him close. I wanted to feel those rough and skilled hands on my body. I’d waited years and years for this kind of attention and I was greedy for it.

Vihaal smiled. It lit up his face like he was a kid with an ice cream cone. I figured I was the ice cream cone.

With one movement he pushed his undershorts down and off, tossing them into the hamper. I was transfixed and caught up in the newness of the experience. Of looking at another man in this hungry and appreciative way. Ofallowingmyself to do it.

He was half-hard. My mouth went dry as I looked at him. His cock was thick enough, ruddy and leaned slightly to the right as it swelled, which it did now. I’d never really noticed men’s cocks before, and even now, what Vihaal’s and Gideon’s cocks looked like—their size, girth, and attitude—was irrelevant. It was the men they were attached to. My only interest lay in how they indicated arousal, and the skill with which they were used to give pleasure.

“It’s always done that,” Vihaal muttered, opening the glass shower door and stepping in as I made room. “Gideon calls it the Jolly Roger.”

I snorted a laugh and Vihaal’s eyes sparked with amusement.

“He calls your dick the Jolly Roger?”

Vihaal grinned. “Sometimes.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his dry body against my wet one. “It’s got that pirate angle. Makes me feel like aright scoundrel,” he said, in a perfect Cockney accent.

I grinned and offered my palm full of body wash to Vihaal, even as it slid through my fingers.

“Oops,” I said.

“I’m exercising a great deal of restraint,” Vihaal said, gazing at me as hot water cascaded over us. “But I can see that you’re definitelynot straight.”

He gestured to my now full erection.

I looked down at myself. “I’ve come to terms with it.”

“Mmm. I’d love to come to terms withthat,” Vihaal murmured.