Page 61 of The Laughing Game

She smiled at me smugly. “Because I think it’s important for people to figure these things out on their own.”

Chapter Thirteen

I got a text from Vihaal the next day, telling me that the Bordello had been booked for the following night and that he’d left a package in my mailbox.

Go and get it. Then come back and phone me, so we can discuss.

10, 4

I went to the mailbox. There was a white paper bag containing something inside it. After I went back in the house, I opened the bag and removed the contents, then read what was written on the front of the box—Fleet Enema. Personal cleansing device.

I dropped it like it was on fire and stared as it hit the floor with a thwack, causing the cats to jump.

Oh, hell no. What the fuck?

The cats were coming to investigate now, sniffing around it and carefully approaching. I stared back and forth between my phone and the box on the floor for a second or two. Then my phone started to ring. I answered.

“Angel?” Vihaal said.

“Uh huh.”

“Did you get the package?”

I didn’t say anything.

“Did you get the package?” he asked, his voice a bit sterner.

“Yes, Vihaal.”

There was a pause. “Okay. Do you know what it is?”

“Um, is it what it says on the side of the box?” I asked, wondering how my life had devolved into this.

“I certainly hope so.”

“Vihaal. I…can’t.”


“I’ve never…” I rubbed a hand over my head. “I don’t think I can do it.”

There was a pause during which I could hear his soft breaths. Then, “Shall I come over and do it for you?”

My mouth went dry. “What?”

“You know, if you ever have to go for a colonoscopy, you’ll have to do that and more.”


“Yes. Ask me how I know.”

I couldn’t help a twitch of my lips because the thought of Vihaal preparing for a colonoscopy was somewhat amusing.

“Do I really have to?” I leaned down and picked up the box, examining the side of it and reading some of the text.Safe and effective. Easy to use. Mild and non-irritating.

Yeah, my ass.

I snorted a laugh.