Page 5 of The Laughing Game

“Is it hot in here? Did you turn the heat up? I can’t breathe.”

“Oh my God, I think he might be having a panic attack,” Jacob said. “Have some more brandy.”

Brandy?Oh yes, brandy. There was brandy in a glass on the table. For me.

I grabbed the glass and lifted it to my lips. My fingers were shaking. I took a sip. Then another. I put the glass down and leaned back in the chair, counting to ten and back until I’d calmed down.

Jacob and Sebastian had gone quiet. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling.

“What am I going to do?”

“Here, let’s talk about the financials,” Jacob said. “I’m so sorry we upset you.”

“Yes, that’s a good idea,” I admitted. “Can we keep the…other stuff…under wraps for now?”

“Angel, we’d never out you without your permission.”

“Oh, thank God.”

“But aren’t you curious as towhyGideon and Vihaal have a bet going?”

I lifted my head and stared at Sebastian. “Should I be?”

Sebastian looked at Jacob. Jacob looked at Sebastian.

“We probably shouldn’t be telling you this, but Vihaal and Gideon have a bit of a crush on you.”

“Bothof them?” No, that couldn’t be true. How could that be true? They thought I was straight…oh… Oh! “Do gay men really find straight guysthatalluring?”

“Frankly, yes. Especially intelligent straight guys who look like they should be on the cover ofMen’s Health.”

I snorted. “Oh, please.”

“Angel. You’re a hot guy.”

“I’mmaybeaverage. I’ve got a belly, you know.”

Jacob laughed. “Do you think that matters to them?”

“Doesn’t it?”

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “You’re still thinking like a straight guy.”

“Up until a few months ago, I thought I was one.”

“Wait. You’ve been questioning your sexual orientation formonths?”Sebastian said.

“Ever since…” I put my head in my hands. “Since I started hanging out with them.”

Sebastian and Jacob gaped at each other.

“Since when have you been hanging out with them?”

“Oh, it was nothing, really. Coffee here and there. We went to lunch once. Maybe we had dinner?”

We had definitely had dinner. It had been the best time. I thought, now that I was looking back on things, that dinner had been what turned the tables. Had they been…dating me? Had that been a date?

“Hold on. They invited you todinner?”