“I— What?”
Vihaal shrugged, pouring himself a coffee. “I had someone collect it. It’s at the repair shop I use.”
“You can call them later on and find out what the diagnosis is. But for right now, don’t worry about it.”
“Yes, Vihaal,” I said, happy to not have to think about anything more than staying where I was.
Vihaal took a plate from the counter and placed it before Gideon. It was loaded with eggs, bacon and sausages. He grabbed the other plate and brought it over to the table. He satdown beside where I was kneeling and I averted my gaze, staring at the floor like a good submissive.
What is happening to me? Have I been abducted by incredibly sexy aliens?
“Do you need to safeword, Angel?” Vihaal asked, taking a bite of his eggs.
I swallowed. “No, Vihaal.”
I liked the name Vihaal. And I liked the man. Especially as he took little pieces of his breakfast and fed me, his fingers soft against my lips. None of that sexual stuff like at the movies. He was simply providing me nourishment, at his own slow pace, while he and Gideon had a conversation that didn’t include me.
Once I got used to the strangeness of it, I didn’t mind being down here. For one thing, I didn’t have to worry about making conversation. It was implied that I should be silent and receptive to Vihaal’s dedicated feeding, and I was. The food he offered me tasted wonderful, even better doled out in little bites from his long fingers. The messy things, like bits of egg, he allowed me to lick from them, like a cat. I felt like a cherished pet, in the best of ways.
Vihaal ate with a knife and fork, but he continued to feed me from his plate, like it was his favorite thing to do.
“Can I please give our little kitty some food?” Gideon asked.
“Of course. But come over here. I think he’s very comfortable where he is.”
“He’s such a cutie. What should we name him?” Gideon asked as he picked up his plate and came over to my side of the table.
The humiliation of being discussed this way shot a thrill right through me that made my cock hard.
“Hmm,” Vihaal said. “What about Sweetie?”
Sweetie? What the fuck?
Gideon’s frown matched my own. “No, I don’t think so. How about Baloo? Like the bear inThe Jungle Book?”
“Well, I guess Baloo it is, then.”
Jesus fucking Christ.What had my life come to? And why did I like it?
Gideon’s eyes went wide. “We need to get him some kitty ears! And a collar!”
My cheeks were aflame, but so was my whole body. I was aroused and humiliated and very fucking confused about my own reactions. But I continued to kneel on the cushion and accept bits of food from Vihaal and Gideon, my gaze moving from one to the other, until their plates were empty. I was almost disappointed when that happened. That’s a lie. I wasabsolutelydisappointed.
Vihaal wiped his fingers with a wet cloth and stroked my hair.
“Baloo, you’ve been very good. I’m so pleased.”
I heard those words and objectively, they were ridiculous. But from Vihaal, they made my heart sing.
“Yes, Vihaal.”
“Did you get enough to eat? Grab another piece of toast or I can make more eggs…”
I stood, feeling unwieldy and off center. “No, I’m fine. I’m full.”
“Do you want to go shopping with Gideon today?”