I shifted around, and found myself facing Gideon, whose head was thrown back and whose face was the picture of bliss. Vihaal’s forearm was concealed by the coverlet, but it shifted in an obvious rhythm as Gideon groaned.
His eyelids fluttered open and locked on mine. “Good mo—” His breath hitched. “Good morning,” he said.
Vihaal chuckled, his hand moving faster.
“I’m so sorry,” Gideon apologized. “He just reached around and started doing it.” He sighed, his pretty lips parted and his eyes closed again.
I smiled, giving him a kiss on his stubbled cheek. He smiled blissfully and pursed his lips. I bent and kissed him, then drew back so I could watch.
“It won’t take long,” Vihaal said. “Gideon’s quite randy in the morning, and I’m looking forward to a peaceful breakfast.”
“Bastard…” Gideon said, then moaned. “Oh fuck, V. That feels so good.”
“Lift the covers, would you?” Vihaal said to me.
I did, of course, and had a perfect view of Vihaal’s hand pumping Gideon’s cock.
“Would you do me a favor and get some lube? It’s in the top drawer beside you.”
“Sure,” I said. I got it and held it out toward him.
“Squirt some in your hand. You can help.”
My eyes flashed upward to meet his gaze. “I can?”
“Well, can’t you?” he asked, gazing at me with so much affection it kind of startled me. Vihaal was so self-contained and so…controlled, that when these moments of openness and relaxed authenticity occurred, it hit me right in the feels.
Vihaal angled the swollen appendage toward me.
I squirted lube into my palm, rubbed it over both hands, then took what Vihaal offered and spread the slippery fluid all around.
Gideon’s eyes fluttered open again then closed. He made a resigned sound and turned his face into the pillow as I worked lube back and forth over him, speeding up and slowing down, just like I enjoyed myself.
“He’ll come soon. Keep going.”
“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” Gideon moaned as his cock stiffened in my grasp.
A memory flashed through my brain of Tommy Cavendish in the tenth-grade locker room. I think maybe we’d jerked each other off. Yes, we had. It was coming back to me now. I slowed down.
“Shit,” I said, flashing a surprised gaze to Vihaal’s.
“I, uh, just had a memory of doing this to another kid in high school.”
“Really. How very interesting.”
I shrugged and resumed, listening to Gideon’s soft moans and gasps to motivate me.
“In tenth grade. Tommy Cavendish. He did it for me after. I don’t know why I’d blanked that out. I remember liking it a lot. But maybe thinking, since I was turned on by girls too, that I should focus on that.”
“Understandable,” Vihaal murmured, his gaze fixed on my hand.
“Stop talking about girls…” Gideon breathed.
Vihaal chuckled. “Now go hard and fast,” he told me.
I did and Gideon tried to pump himself into my hand. But Vihaal had a firm grip on him.