“Oh, damn. I did forget,” Gideon said, releasing my hand and immediately sinking to his knees on the rug in front of Vihaal. “I’m so sorry, Vihaal,” he said.
A blaze of heat went through me at the sight. He looked so demure and sweet, kneeling there.
“Angel, come here,” Vihaal said.
I did.
“In this room, Gideon is my submissive. There are certain rules and procedures that we follow.”
“Right,” I said. “Okay.”
“While we are in this room, even though you won’t be participating in the scene, you are also my submissive.”
I’m what?“Pardon?”
He grinned. “Don’t look so scared. I’m not a monster. And we’ve already agreed that you’re only going to watch.”
“Yes. Right,” I said, my body aflame and we hadn’t even started.
“I simply mean that I’m in charge. You’ll need to follow my instructions if you want the scene to proceed with any validity.”
“Of course,” I said, happy to go along if it would get me a front row seat at the Vihaal and Gideon kink show.
“Excellent. Stay here.”
I watched Vihaal grab a straight chair and bring it over, my heart pounding. He placed it on the floor just inside the door, where I’d have a good view of the Victorian parlor space.
I grabbed the back of the chair and spun it around so I could straddle it, and sat. Gideon was still staring at the floor, but Vihaal gazed at me with a surprised expression that soon morphed into one of displeasure.
And that look of disappointment made my cock go fully hard even as it sent a thrill of real fear down my spine.
Had I done something wrong? I looked down at the way I was sitting.
My cheeks flushed and I stood, heart pounding, and turned the chair back around, placing it the way Vihaal had put it. I sat on it properly.
“Much better,” Vihaal stated.
I swallowed, feeling hot and cold and all kinds of delicious things.
“Yes, Sir,” I said, testing the word in my mouth. “Sorry, Sir.”
“You don’t have to call me Sir, but I appreciate the effort. Vihaal is fine.”
“Yes, Vihaal.”
He kept his eyes on mine as he spoke.
“Safeword, Gideon?”
“And what’smine?”
“And what safeword shall we give to Angel?”