I looked at Vihaal. “I’m not worried.”
“Well, now that you’re all signed up, let’s get back to Gideon before he does something silly, and forgets all about us,” Vihaal muttered.
Sebastian bid us a good evening and left.
Vihaal smiled and, with a jerk of his head, beckoned me back to the table.
Gideon was still chatting with Toby, who turned to acknowledge us.
“Good evening, Mr. Petrovsky. Mr. Foster and I were just discussing paddles, and which ones were best for an entertaining discipline session.” He turned to me. “Oooh, I haven’t seen you, before.”
“Toby, this is Angel Barnett. Angel, Toby.”
“Fuck, what an awesome name. Is your mom religious?” Toby asked, batting his eyelashes at me in a flirtatious manner.
I laughed. “No, no. Maybe it was wishful thinking.”
“Toby was telling me about some new items they’ve added to the kink room,” Gideon said, with a mischievous smile.
“Isn’t that interesting,” Vihaal murmured as he took his seat. “Shouldn’t he be giving that information to me? I’m the one in charge.”
“It’s okay, babe. I’ll fill you in,” Gideon said as he turned to me. “So, all signed up?”
“Oooh, a new member? Welcome to Maverick Molly’s!” Toby said, eyeing me up and down. “Is this your very first time?”
“Not in the building. I’m Sebastian and Jacob’s accountant. But it’s my first time enjoying the gaming parlor.”
“Oh! Maybe I have seen you before. But you didn’t look like this,” he said, making a sweeping gesture with his hand.
“Thanks… I think.”
“Yes, that was a compliment. You look hot.”
I felt my cheeks heat.
“Toby, would you get me a refill on my ginger ale please?” Vihaal asked. “We still have some time before we can get the key.”
“Of course. Back in a jiff.”
Toby left in a swirl of white cotton.
“A lot of men are checking you out, Angel.”
“Gideon,” Vihaal said in a stern tone.
“What? He might as well know he’s a hotty.”
“Well, somehow I must be. Or neither of you would have paid any attention to me.”
“Regardless of the fact that anyone can be sexy if they’re confident enough, I must say that your looks…did come into it,” Vihaal admitted.
I stared at him and lifted my chin. “Oh?”
He smiled. “Of course. All those freckles and that mouth…” he said, making a swoony face. “And don’t even get me started on the red hair.”
“Oh, come on. Really?” I said.
“Yes. You look younger than you are.”