Page 29 of The Laughing Game

Gideon’s eyes were wide and his cheeks flushed. “Oh, I like this idea.”

“Gideon is a bit of an exhibitionist,” Vihaal explained.

“Actually, I’m a lot of an exhibitionist. Basically, I like to show off,” Gideon said, laughing. “And Angel. I would love to show off foryou.”

Gideon held my gaze and I knew I was fucking done for.

“And Vihaal likes to show off, too. Obviously,” Gideon said, with a wave of his hand and an eye roll.

“Why obviously?” Vihaal asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Gideon rolled his eyes. “Because you think you’re the best at everything.”

“Well, I am most definitely the best at dealing with you,” Vihaal said, turning and winking at me. “What do you say? Shall we sign you up?”

A flash of memory—of an itemized list I’d had to go over for the accounts—

Silicon lube - jug

Leather paddle

Wood paddle X 3 (different sizes)

Flogger - Leather, red

Nitrile gloves - black

Nitrile gloves - blue

“All right,” I said.

Vihaal nodded, not looking surprised at all.

But Gideon looked like he’d just won the biggest stuffed animal at the fair.

“This is going to beso, fucking, hot,” he said, the words feeling like firm strokes to my cock.

“Yeah,” I breathed, and Gideon’s eyes danced.

Vihaal stood. “Come with me, Angel. Gideon, stay here and save our seats.”

“Yes, V. Whatever you say,” Gideon said, sitting up straighter, his eyes bright with excitement.

And that made two of us. I glanced at Vihaal who beckoned me to follow.


Chapter Seven

As Vihaal and I walked up to the bar, the person behind it tucked the towel they were using to tidy up into their waistband and smiled.

“Good evening. What can I get you?”

Vihaal had opened his wallet and now placed a glossy plastic card on the bar.

Maverick Molly’s, Kink Club and Gaming Parlorwas embossed in gold on the top.

“I’d like to add another person to my membership profile.”