Page 26 of The Laughing Game

At the word ‘perverts’, my dick sprang to attention. And I realized he’d made a good point. And also, it was Maverick Molly’s. If there was anywhere to try out a little makeup, it was that place.

“Okay. Sure.”

Gideon smiled so wide, I was glad I’d said yes.

He stepped close and put a finger on my chin to tilt my head back, then lifted the pencil. Instinctively, I closed my eyes.

“No. Open them,” he said, his voice breathy. I smelled peppermint.

I fluttered my lids and stared forward as Gideon traced the outline of one eyelid and then the other. It tickled and I had to blink, but he simply continued once my eyes were open again. It was a strange, but not unpleasant experience.

“There,” he said, putting the cap on the eyebrow pencil and pocketing it. “Look.”

He gestured at the mirror over the console. I gazed at myself, not quite prepared for how androgynous and freaking hot I looked.

“Oh, holy fuck,” I whispered, turning my face to see every angle. It made a big difference, but instead of feeling self-conscious, I felt a hundred times more confident.

“Yeah, you are. So hot. I told you.”

If the men at Maverick Molly’s hadn’t noticed me before tonight, they definitely would now. The thought gave me a weird feeling of satisfaction.

“Come on. We’d better get going or V is gonna lose his shit.”

“Well, I don’t want that to happen,” I said, getting my jacket and boots on.

“No, you don’t. Trust me.”

Vihaal sat in the driver’s seat of a black Audi sedan, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as Gideon opened the back door for me to slip in.

“Hello, Angel,” Vihaal said in that deep bass voice. It affected me the same every time. I melted and got hard all at once.


Vihaal regarded me in the rearview mirror.

“Did Deo sort you out?”

“I think so. Yes.”

“I like the eye-liner,” Vihaal said. “Makes you look like such a pretty thing.”

My heart beat faster and I felt my dick twitch. I would be a pretty thing for Vihaal any day.

“It was Gideon’s idea,” I said. “He told me no-one would notice.”

“That was a tiny lie,” Gideon admitted. “But you look so good!”

Vihaal backed the car down the drive. “I called Sebastian and delayed our reservation by an hour. Luckily nobody had bookedthe other slot, and we’ve been members of the club for so long that we do get some perks.”

“How longhaveyou been members?” I asked.

“Oh, it’s been, what…” Vihaal glanced at Gideon. “Has it been a year? Seems like we’ve been going for a while.”

Gideon turned to me. “We used to beg and borrow playrooms from amongst our kinky friends, but it got kind of awkward. So we were happy when Maverick Molly’s opened up. There are probably lots of places to rent in Toronto, and a few places where straight kinksters can rent in Ottawa, but as far as we know, Molly’s is the only one fully reservable and customized for queer kinksters.” He looked at Vihaal. “It can’t have been only a year. We pretty much got in when they opened, right? Because you already knew Sebastian.”

“It seems like it’s been longer,” Vihaal said.

“It all starts to blur together after a while,” Gideon said, grinning. “At least for me. I’m usually in a different headspace when I’m in that room, aren’t I, V?”