Page 21 of The Laughing Game

Chapter Five

Just as I was getting into bed my phone notified me of an incoming email. I checked to see if it was the one I was expecting.

Here you are. Accounting info from the past twelve months.

And the link to the video we watched earlier. Just in case you want to watch it again.

I had actually tried to find the video, but without success. So I’d pulled up one of my favorites, in which the bottom was cuffed and blindfolded and the top kept him in a state of arousal for a long time before letting him climax, and jerked off to it, coming right when the bottom was allowed to.

Now I clicked on the link Vihaal had sent, and felt my desire return in no time.

I’d known at least a year ago that I was into men, as well as women. But I hadn’t had the time to explore that discovery. And maybe I’d been in denial, thinking that all I liked was a different kind of porn. That maybe it was the novelty of it, and the theater of seeing two burly men going at it.

It had taken another month or two to realize I hadn’t watched a straight porn video in a long, long time.

* * * *

Over the next few days, my thoughts kept returning to the two men who had put my body and mind into a whirlwind of desireand curiosity. They reminded me of Jacob and Sebastian, who were also married but seemed to have a more traditional idea of what that meant, even though they ran a kink club together.

Vihaal and Gideon were different, although they had the same sense of respect and care for each other. But there was something else. I was eager to find out more about the power dynamic between them—the way that Gideon seemed to defer to Vihaal much of the time, and that Vihaal had a natural sense of authority that I could sense when we were together.

It was obvious from things that Gideon had said—V does nasty things to me and I fucking love every minute of it—that the two men were kinky, with Vihaal being the Dominant. I wondered how it would feel to give over to someone in that way, to let them control and subdue me. I got hard just thinking about it.

Vihaal was a flesh-and-blood man who liked to control and dominate his partner. It was obvious now that he might want to do the same to me. The very thought of it caused my body to ignite like nothing I’d ever experienced before, and I had to do something else to take my mind off imagining the three of us together in a room and what that might involve.

So I’d started going over the financials that Vihaal had sent. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first, everything looked fairly standard and well-documented. But I began to notice repeating vendor invoices for a company called Divine Treasures. Generally for small amounts—under five hundred dollars—except for a few that were bigger.

One invoice was for close to four thousand dollars.

The smaller invoices listed items such as fine linens, bedding, pillow cases. The big invoice was for ‘Various furnitures’ which seemed a little vague for such a large purchase. All the other invoices for amounts over one thousand dollars contained very specific descriptions like ‘Vintage Victorian escritoire,circa 1854’, or ‘Genuine marble bathroom fixtures,seventeenth century Italy’. It seemed odd to me that ‘various furnitures’ would describe such a large purchase.

I found another invoice for Divine Treasures, for the exact same amount, again for ‘Various furnitures’. It seemed strange that Tarnish would purchase a different collection of furniture from Divine Treasures for the same price, but it was possible they had a contract to buy a certain amount of small antiques in bulk from the company.

I flagged these items, just in case. It was most likely legitimate, but Gideon particularly had asked me to check for strange invoicing errors or suspicious activities, and I wasn’t going to let it go without an inquiry.

Everything else seemed straightforward, with detailed descriptions. The accounts lined up fine. It took me about five days to go through everything then another half day to write a detailed report outlining what I’d looked at and what the results had been.

I sent it in an email to Vihaal and received a prompt reply thanking me and saying that he’d have a look at my results in more detail on the weekend. It was very professional and he made no mention of our get together, or asked if I’d gone to the link he’d sent. Maybe he was busy, but it felt a bit cold after everything, and since it had been so long since we’d seen each other.

“Maybe I should call,” I said to Toff. “Do you think I should call?”

He batted his spring toy and yawned, then flopped on the floor.

“Thanks. You’re a big help.”

It was very possible that they were waiting for me to make the next move.

I opened Vihaal’s contact info on my phone. Then I stared at it for a few minutes, wondering what to say. How did you tell two super-hot men that, yes, you were interested in having sex—quite possibly, very kinky sex—with both of them? That you had decided to make the leap out of default heterosexuality into a bisexual wonderland through which you were expecting them to guide you?

I took a deep breath and hit Call.

Anxiety combined with horniness to make me restless as I waited for Vihaal to answer. Or for the call to go to voicemail, and what would I do then?

“Hi, Vihaal, just calling to let you know if you want to take me to the Bordello the next time you go, I’m down. Okay? Call me back.”

Huh. I really hoped he answered.

“Hello, Angel.”