Page 3 of The Laughing Game


“You also profess to be straight.”

“So?” I said. “Wait a second,professto be…”

Sure, maybe I was questioning my sexual orientation in private, but I hadn’t realized it was up for public debate.

“Sorry, sorry. I shouldn’t undermine your sexual orientation. If you say you’re straight, you’re straight.”

I looked at him. He looked at me.

“I don’t think I eversaidI was straight.”

“Uh…I’m pretty sure you did. But what doesthatmean? You mightnotbe straight?” He grinned and leaned forward. “Angel Barnett, are you exploring your options?”

I hesitated. “I don’t know. Maybe?”

“This is turning into a very interesting conversation.”

“Well, I know I’m not gay. I had sex with a woman last night. I’ve never had sex with a guy.”

“Mmm. The question is, have you thought about it? Which of course, doesn’t mean you’re bisexual. But it might.”

I narrowed my eyes. “Is this a come-on? Because unless Sebastian knows about it—”

The man in question appeared, carrying a sheaf of papers.

“I heard my name. What do I not know?”

“It’s not a come-on,” Jacob groaned, leaning back in his chair. “I’m only curious if you’ve ever thought about other men in that way.”

“That’s kind of personal, Jacob,” I said.

“Yeah, that is really personal, Jacob.” Sebastian agreed, putting the pile of papers down on the desk and sitting on the corner. “So, Angel, we all want to know.”

He grabbed a handful of peanuts from a nearby bowl and popped one in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes.

Jacob laughed. “Yes, well, telling a bunch of kinky gay men that the hot accountant who comes to the club every month or so is straight is like putting a honey-covered beehive in front of a bear’s den. I’ve had questions.”

“From who?” I asked. I wondered which of the Maverick Molly’s regulars were speculating about my sexuality, and why.

“Well…let’s see, now. I think the molly boys have a bet going.”

I opened my mouth, then closed it again. Of all the—

Sebastian pointed at me. “They do. They totally do. Most of them think you’re at least abitbi.” He chewed and swallowed. “Come on. You’re notcompletelystraight, Angel. The universe isn’t that cruel.”

Jacob stared at his husband. “What do you care? You can’t have him anyway.”

“Oh, wow, hold on now.” I held up my hand.

“How do I knowyou’renot trying to land him?” Sebastian shrugged. “Anyway, I’m the hot one in the relationship.”

“Wait. No-one’s going to land me. I had sex with a womanlast night!”

“Doesn’t mean you’re not bisexual. Honestly, doesn’t even mean you’re not gay.”