Page 19 of The Laughing Game

“You’re wonderful at what you do,” Vihaal said.

Gideon was a registered nurse and worked part-time in the home of an elderly man whose middle-aged children had hired him so that their father could stay in the family home.

“I can’t complain,” Gideon said. “But can we circle back to where you said you were a bit of a slut? I’d really like to know more about that.”

The way Gideon looked at me, with eagerness and bashful excitement, was absolutely adorable, and I laughed.

“I guess I was kind of…”

“Slutty?” Gideon asked.

“Sure. Okay.”

“That word has fairly positive connotations in the gay world, Angel. It’s not the insult you think it is,” Vihaal clarified. “I’ve known quite a few sluts and they were all absolutely charming.”

I sat there, with my teacup and saucer in my lap, the taste of Gideon’s fantastic egg salad in my mouth, and the two of them looking at me like they wanted me to be the main course.

“Which is a great segue into what I wanted to ask you next.”

I paused, another tiny sandwich halfway to my mouth, and raised my eyebrows.

“We were wondering if showing you some of our favorite porn videos would satisfy your curiosity about what Gideon and I do together. In an intimate way.”

His words echoed in my brain as my cock pulsed. I put the sandwich down.


Vihaal smiled. “Surely you watch porn, Angel.”

I did watch porn. I used to watch straight porn, exclusively. Up until about two years ago. When I’d started satisfying my own curiosity.

“I…uh. Yes. I watch porn.”Should I tell them?

I laughed, to stall. “This is the last thing I expected during afternoon tea.” Then I sobered. “Actually, maybe not the last thing. But it’s up there.”

“Up there?” Gideon said, giving me a look. “Is it?”

I glanced at my crotch. “Yes.”

Vihaal chuckled and stood. “Let me get my laptop. I’ll stream it to the TV.”

Okay. Well. So we were going to sit here eating tiny sandwiches and drinking tea while Vihaal streamed gay porn to the TV to see what my reaction would be. This was turning into the strangest afternoon.

Vihaal opened his laptop and fiddled about, while Gideon turned on the TV.

“Ready?” he asked, with a mischievous look on his face.

“I sure hope so,” I said, pretending to be nervous.

“Here we go,” Vihaal said.

But I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t lie to them. “Wait.”

“Hmm?” Vihaal gazed at me, a question in his eyes.

“I…” I put my head in my hands. “I’ve watched it before.”

Gideon looked at me, then at Vihaal. “What? This video?”