“What?” Gideon said. His gaze followed Vihaal’s, then he was blushing.
“Oh!” He glanced at Vihaal, then back at me. “Huh.”
“Fine. Okay.” I took a deep breath. “I told Sebastian and Jacob that I…that I didn’t know…if I was…y’know…”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to spell it out.”
“Straight. I don’t know if I’m straight. I’m probably a little bit…” My gaze tracked down Vihaal’s body, then returned to his. “…gay. Well, bi. Or pan. Fuck, I don’t know. Just not as straight as I thought I was.”
I glanced at Gideon in his tempting outfit.
Vihaal crossed his arms and gazed at me. “And what prompted you to do that? I’m very curious to know.”
I’ll bet you are.Speaking of bets…
“Hold on. When I told him, he said that the molly boys and you and Gideon had bets going about it.”
“Well. You can’t blame us for speculating.”
“Can’t I?” I said, raising my chin. I wasn’t mad about it, but I did take offense to people using something so personal for entertainment.
He grinned. “Well, I suppose you can. But now I want to know who won.”
Oh damn. “Who won…the bet? What were the exact terms?”
“Gideon bet that you were bi or pan,” Vihaal said.
“And Vihaal said you were as straight as they come,” Gideon stated.
“Although I might have only said that to be contrary,” Vihaal said, stepping closer. “And because I never thought we could be so lucky.”
“Fine. Well, I guess you win,” I said to Gideon.
“Yes! I knew it!” He threw Vihaal a victorious look, then turned a contrite one on me. “Oh, shit, sorry.” He laughed, and how could I be mad?
“It’s fine,” I said, shrugging, but my heartbeat was out of control. “I seem to be the last to find out.”
“That’s the way it works sometimes. Congratulations,” he said, regarding me with a look that made my cock harder.
“There’s more.”
“There usually is.”
“I told Sebastian that it almost seemed like the two of you were trying to…seduce me.”
“Well, well, well,” Vihaal murmured, looking me up and down. “You did pick up on that.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I asked.
Vihaal laughed from deep in his chest. “No, not at all. We’ve been desperate to get your attention. And it’s worked.”
“Finally,” Gideon grouched, rolling his eyes and coming closer. “We’ve been trying so hard!”
“For fuck’s sake! Why didn’t you say something?”
“Like what?” Vihaal asked. “Should we have propositioned you at dinner?”
“Well, I don’t know. You could have said that you were…hoping for more than a friendship.”