Gideon’s expression went from delighted to concerned and he looked down at himself, as if only now remembering his outfit.
“Oh, shit, sorry.” He rolled his eyes. “V’s punishing me and he made me wear this and I’m supposed to dust the tchotchkes. Actually, I’m just wandering around bending over and reaching up and driving him mad with desire.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a proud look, as if challenging me to criticize.
“Punishing you?”
“Yeah.” He grinned. He waved the feather duster and rolled his eyes. “We have this thing… Never mind. Come in, come in!”
He backed up and beckoned me in.
As I stepped inside the small entryway, Vihaal’s voice echoed from another room.
“Gideon, when you’re done welcoming our guest you can stop pretending to dust.”
“Cool! Thanks, man. It’s exhausting pleasing you,” Gideon shouted in a bright, happy tone. “Here, just put your coat on one of these hooks and your boots in the tray. Ooh, you look hot! Did you do something to your hair?”
I shrugged, then cleared my throat. “What? No, this is the way I always look.”
“Oh, it’s the choker. That’s super sexy. Did you make yourself extra pretty for us?”
I laughed but it sounded totally fake. “What? No!”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “It was a joke, but okay.” He gazed at me with contemplation. “Huh.”
“What?” I asked, knowing I should just keep my mouth shut.
“You seem different. Nervous, for some reason. Why are you nervous, Angel? We’re just having tea.”
I did the fake laugh again. It sounded only slightly more authentic. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s only that my car sounds like it’s dying.”
“Oh, damn.”
I went through as Gideon led me past a stairway directly ahead and into a cozy living room, where Vihaal stood by the picturesque bay window. As if a fog had lifted, I saw him with the new awareness of my feelings and could not deny that I was very much drawn to this imposing, compelling man who had more charisma in his little finger than most of the women I’d dated.
I also couldn’t deny that my dick had moved and swelled in response to the alluring presence of not one, but two, captivating men.
Settle down, I told it silently. I needed time to get used to the idea of the three of us possibly being more thanjust friends.
“Angel,” Vihaal said, smiling. His hands were in his pockets, his gaze quickly running over me. “My, don’t you look nice.”
Those words hit me in a place I’d not expected.
“Thanks. I…made an effort,” I admitted, blushing. Why did this man make me feel so off center, but in an entirely agreeable and welcome way?
At that information, Vihaal’s eyebrows shot up and his smile broadened.
“I’m going to change,” Gideon said. “Don’t worry. Vihaal won’t bite. At least, not unless you give him permission.” He threw Vihaal a look. “Be. Nice.”
Then he was gone.
I looked about the room, trying not to be obvious about stealing glances at Vihaal, even though my gaze was drawn to him. Each time I did look at him, he was watching me with the same kind of predatory calm that a lion would use to assess an antelope. It was unnerving, but also arousing, since I was pretty sure he wouldn’t pounce and kill. But he might be contemplating a different kind of attack and that thought was, honestly, thrilling.
The living room was a lovely space, with what looked like an original oak floor, painted brown trim, and white plastered walls. I’d been here before, but it all seemed more relevant now. There was a whole wall of bookcases, filled with books that overflowed the shelves, and with small artistic items scattered in front and in between—probably what Gideon was supposed to have dusted.
For the first time I noticed a dark wood secretaire against the wall with an open notebook upon it, and some other antique pieces like the coffee table and a side table that looked very expensive. They had probably come from Vihaal’s antique store.
I looked closer at the rug on the floor.