Page 123 of The Laughing Game

“Hello there,” The well-dressed host greeted us. “Table for two?”

“Yes, please,” Gideon replied.

We followed as she led us to a spot by the window.

“Is this all right?” she asked.

“Yes. This is perfect,” Gideon said, motioning me to sit, which I did.

“A server will be with you momentarily.”

“Thanks,” I said.

When she’d gone, I glanced at the bar. I leaned forward.

“What’s going on?”

Gideon stared at me for a moment, then blushed and looked down. When he glanced back up, his eyes were full of mischief.

“V and I like to play this game,” he said.

“Oh no,” I said, resisting the urge to look at Vihaal again. “I’m afraid to ask.”

But it was agoodkind of afraid—a skin tingling, heart-beat-quickening, cock hardeningkind of afraid.

“Well…just play along, and you’ll find out,” Gideon said, checking his phone. “Oh.”

“What?” I asked, my mouth going dry.

Gideon showed me his phone.

Order drinks.

My gaze flew to Vihaal before I could help myself, but he was in the same position, staring at his iPad, not looking in our direction.

He was dressed in a fancy suit, as if he’d just come from a stockholder meeting or something equally as important. Butbecause of the way he was seated, his dress pants revealed socks with pictures of candy on them, which made me smile.

I turned back to Gideon. “Is this like a role play kind of thing? Do I need a fake identity?”

Gideon stared at me. “Yes, it’s role play. No, you don’t need a fake identity. We’reus, he’shim, but we’re going to pretend we’re a couple and we’ve never met V before. Can you do that?”

Can I do that?“Yes,” I said.

“Excellent,” Gideon said, as the server came and introduced himself.

“Can I get you gentlemen a drink?”

“Yes, thank you. I’ll have a rye and Coke,” he said. “Angel?”

“Oh, um, a rye and ginger, please.”

“Back in a moment.”

“So, what do we do?” I asked, once the server had gone. “Just have some sips of our drinks? Then what?”

“Don’t worry, he’ll text me instructions. I’m used to this but usually I’m on my own. This is the first time I’ve had a lover to bring him.”

Oh hell. I was so on board with this already.