“That’s fantastic. I’m so glad everything’s going well.”
“Yes, so am I. We saw Bridget last week,” Vihaal said to Jacob, passing me his bowl once I’d handed Sebastian’s back to him. “God, she’s hilarious. Such a potty mouth.”
Gideon laughed. “And she’s always asking the most interesting questions!”
“Oh my God. I know,” I said, blushing in embarrassment. “She loves you guys. You know her name isn’t Bridget, right?”
“Yes, you keep telling us.” Gideon rolled his eyes.
“She lovesyou,Angel. And she’s happy that you’re happy,” Vihaal murmured.
“Yes, but she’s also lusting after the two of you, the way only a seventy-nine-year-old woman can.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Vihaal scoffed. “Wait. Bridget’s seventy-nine?”
“Her name isn’t Bridget!” I said.
Sebastian frowned. “For God’s sake, Angel. Let her have the name she wants.”
I held up my hands. “Fine. Fine.”
“Geez,” Gideon said. “I hope I’m still lusting after hot men when I’m that age.”
Vihaal eyed him with suspicion. “Well, if Angel and I are still around, it had better be us.”
Gideon sat back with a smug look on his face. “We’ll see.”
Vihaal’s eyes widened and I laughed.
“Gideonisquite a bit younger than you, Vihaal,” Sebastian said.
The smug look vanished from Gideon’s face, and a concerned look replaced it. “Oh shit. What if I end up in one of those places all by myself? You’rebotholder than me!”
“Oh, for Heaven’s sake,” Vihaal muttered. “I plan to be around to torment you for quite a bit longer, so don’t worry. And Angel can do it onceI’mgone. See? The beauty of a poly relationship.”
“Jesus, that’s true,” Sebastian said, casting a contemplative look at Jacob. “Maybe we should expand.”
“Not happening,” Jacob stated, placing a spoonful of stew in his mouth.
Sebastian laughed. “Just like that. He ruins all my fun.”
Jacob gazed at Sebastian sedately as he finished. “Well, it might be entertaining for a bit, but then your jealous nature will get the better of you. I don’t think you have the temperament for it.”
Sebastian frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Do you remember when you thought I was cheating with that bartender? After we first opened the club?”
“But that’s different. That’s cheating, not a negotiated and committed poly relationship.”
Jacob held up his hand. “Correction—itwasn’tcheating, because I’m completely loyal to you and you know it. And also, I can’t see you agreeing to share me, nor I you. We’re simply much too selfish. I admire you three,” he said, addressing me and Vihaal and Gideon. “The way you seem to have an abundance of love between you, and no petty jealousies.”
“Hmph,” Gideon muttered. “Well, I do get jealous sometimes. But Vihaal spanks it out of me.”
Everyone laughed.
“Do you ever get jealous, Vihaal?” Sebastian asked.
“No. Because these two lovely men are my solace and my joy, and I’m grateful for every minute I get to spend with each of them.”