On the receiving end, Tripp’s breath is coming short now, and Leander has to stop working the dildo to soothe a hand up his abdomen and chest several times. “Breathe,” he commands softly, leaning down to kiss Tripp, keeping it open-mouthed and deep until he has no choice but to slow himself down and unclench his muscles again.
They proceed like that for a while, a cautious give and take while Tripp’s body and mind adjust and accommodate. Any time his cock begins to flag alongside a new intrusion, Leander leans down to suck him off until it’s hard and leaking again. Tripp remains wonderfully pliant in his hands, taking everything he’s given and still crying out for more. It’s a beautiful sight.
It’s therefore a struggle, a testament of will, for Leander to hold out on swapping the fake cock he’s wielding for the realthing, but he is nothing if not a professional. The angle and the slip of the silicone both make it much easier to work his fingers inside, so he resists. Still, he’s not hesitant when hedoesdeem it time, and Tripp’s pleas to feel Leander inside of him fuel the already roiling heat in his stomach into an unruly blaze.
Pushing inside Tripp feels like coming home, and despite what they’re doing, despite the fact that this is ascene,Leander can’t help but indulge his desires—just for a minute. He rolls his hips gently into Tripp’s warm, wet heat, feels the rumble of Tripp’s answering groans echoing through his chest when he covers the man’s body with his own.
As Tripp’s arms close around his back to hold him tight, Leander sighs into the crook of Tripp’s neck, presses a kiss to the sensitive area just below his right ear. Tripp’s skin is warm and soft, and Leandercravesthis feeling, the way it is when they’re pressed together infinitely like this. It doesn’t happen very often during sex—not the way he and Tripp do it—and so now that it is, the sensations are nearly as intoxicating as the alcoholic drinks consumed in excess the night before.
Beneath him, Leander can feel Tripp’s stomach muscles tensing and relaxing as he rocks his own pelvis to take the cock inside of him deeper. Leander can feel the hard planes of Tripp’s chest, his racing heartbeat, and the way Tripp’s head tips back in ecstasy against his cheek. He relishes Tripp’s thighs tightening around his hips, the way Tripp’s ankles lock and his heels dig into his ass, urging him on. Leander could drown in every delicious sound Tripp releases, could suffocate in the exhaled rush of breath from his chest through his lips, andoh—Leander loves him so.
It’s perhaps one of the hardest things Leander’s ever done, drawing back from this exhilarating, heady, fuckingboring, totally vanillasex they’re having, but he does, because Tripp—Tripp has expectations, and…and?Leander fumbles, even in his own head, to come up with solid reasons why heneedsto pull away. He’ssurethey’re there—just slightly out of his conscious mind’s addled, Tripp-drunk reach.
Once he’s straightened up and has Tripp’s thighs in his hands, the look on Tripp’s face nearly has Leander diving back in all over again. Truly, he’s a wonder to behold—drowsy and aroused, heavy-lidded, swollen-lipped. His lush green eyes are dark, nearly all pupil, and his freckles stand out brightly against the flush in his cheeks.
“Sheer perfection,” Leander murmurs, dragging his own thumb down over Tripp’s mouth. He lets it catch, reveling in the way Tripp’s breath subsequently stutters on its way past. “The things you do to me.”
Trapping his bottom lip in-between his teeth, Tripp’s eyes fill with mischief and he bucks his hips. “Show me,” he demands, and then cheekily adds, “Sir.”
With a low chuckle, Leander resumes thrusting into Tripp, languid strokes that make it easy for him to reach down and work fingers around his cock once again. It’s all Leander inside Tripp now, and healmostwants to keep it that way, out of some bizarre, possessive notion that hardly makes a lick of logical sense.
Tripp slips back into the rhythm easily, and after a few brushes against his prostate that have him incredibly loose and whining, Leander picks up the dildo again. Slicking its length, Leander pulls almost all the way out, enough that he can line the fake cock up alongside his own and they can press in together. Slowly, carefully, and with Tripp alternately tensing and forcing himself to relax, Leander guides them both inside.
It’s a tough thing, being a Dom in a situation like this, because the pleasure onhisend isfuckingexquisite. Between the vice-like tightness, the heat of Tripp’s walls, and the pressure-sensation mix from the veiny silicone sharing his space, it’s all Leander can do not to let his eyes roll back in his head and ram them both home. It’s only through years of depriving himself gratification and practicing the extremes of self-control that Leander is able to grit his teeth and resist the urge to buck his hips and chase the stimulation he craves. Against every baser instinct, he ignores the way his body ripples with fire, sweat rolling over his shoulder blades and down the sides of his face.
“Tripp,”he murmurs. “Are you alright? Color, Tripp.”
Both cocks are nearly fully-seated, and Leander stops moving until Tripp pulls himself together enough to murmur, “Green.” Cuffs forgotten, his right hand is wrapped around Leander’s bicep, nails digging into the muscle, but Leander’s not about to chastise him for touching before he gave the go-ahead. Not now, and not when he so conveniently ignored the issue when it was servinghimto indulge his vanilla whims.
Below him, Tripp’s chest heaves and glistens with its own thin sheen of sweat, and he pants, licking his lips while his eyes roam wildly across the ceiling. “Tripp,” Leander repeats. “Talk to me, sweet boy.”
“‘M good,” Tripp manages with a nod, head tipping back as he tries to force his hips down the rest of the way, but Leander holds firm and doesn’t give it to him just yet. “C’mon, Lee, I can take it,” he begs. “I want it—please,please, Sir.”
Leander obliges,how could he not?He’s so pleased and proud of Tripp, so turned on by the way he’s spread out and willing to do almost anything Leander desires of him. When both cocks can go no further, Leander gives Tripp anothermoment to adjust and then starts to move. He’s careful to hold the dildo in place, to not be too rough or demanding, but there’s plenty of lube in the mix, and Tripp’s rim is doing just fine. Leander fingers the edge admiringly as he rolls his pelvis forward, and Tripp moans, flexing his hips up for more.
With his ass so full, Tripp’s prostate has to be receiving fairly constant stimulation, and it’s not long before he’s completely undone, near-sobbing and clawing at Leander’s shoulders, begging for contact, for release. Not that Leander has any intention of denying him such, but Trippcancome untouched, and Leander definitely thinks that this is the right time to do so.
A few more drawn-out internal strokes have Tripp tensing up all around him, and just like the night prior, that’s enough to wrest Leander’s last ounce of self-control from his grasp. While Tripp cries out and grabs a handful of his hair, Leander is burying his face into Tripp’s chest, second dildo forgotten and slipping out as he shoves himself deep, shaking and finishing with a final thrust against Tripp’s body that is anything but gentle.
The world turns hazy for a few minutes as Leander sighs into Tripp’s skin and slowly comes back to his senses. Usually, he’s fairly alert once a scene ends, jumping up and out of bed right away, grabbing aftercare items for Tripp and generally ensuring that his sub gets what he needs.
Today, Leander is wiped. Whether from the alcohol or the multiple rounds of intense sex, or something completely else, that last orgasm did him in. When his arms stop tingling and his brain stitches itself back together enough that he can process a coherent thought, Leander realizes that Tripp is holding him and petting his hair.
“Apologies,” he says swiftly, casting Tripp a rueful look as he tries to shove his way up and off of the bed. “Let me just—”
“Hey.” Tripp stops him, reaching out to cup Leander’s jaw and drag him back down for a deep, unhurried kiss. That’s new, too. “No worries,” Tripp says when they part, Leander feeling slightly dazed and off-kilter all over again, especially at the brightness of Tripp’s smile. “I only needed that.”
Leander smiles back before glancing down at the way their torsos pressing together has smeared the sticky mess on Tripp’s stomach around. He sighs, narrowing his eyes at Tripp and gesturing towards it.
“Look what you did. Who’s going to clean that up?”
Mere suggestion is all Tripp needs, green eyes flashing before his head dips down, mouthing enthusiastically over his own spend as Leander works fingers into his hair encouragingly. “Use your tongue,” he suggests, and Tripp huffs a laugh against his skin but complies. When he’s done, Tripp drags said tongue all the way up Leander’s chest and neck, nipping at his jaw before capturing his mouth one more time.
The cooling, wet trail and the feeling of Tripp’s lips against his own have Leander shivering, wanting to grab at Tripp again, to throw him down and see what else he can wring from his body, but the truth is, he’s alsoprettyfucking tired.
With great self-restraint—which is apparently today’s theme—he forces himself to go retrieve a warm washcloth, some cream, and Tripp’s juice. On his way back to the bed, Leander stops at the beside table and taps at the screen of his phone. After checking the time, he’s pleased to discover that it’s barely approaching seven—they havehourswith which to sleep and then share a shower, followed by a greasy brunch together.
Perhaps Tripp would even like to watch a movie after that, before they go their separate ways. After all they’ve been through this weekend, some extra cuddling and contact is certainly in order.