When Leander finally turns around, several lengths of rope in hand, he looks smug. As he returns to Tripp’s side, he quirks an eyebrow. “Comfortable?” he asks. Tripp stays silent, recognizingthattrap for what it is, but in the quiet, the noise his teeth make when he clamps them shut isloud,and Leander’s smile widens.
“Alright,” Lee relents. “As fun as you’re making this for me, it’s not exactly what I had planned. You can rest your arms and lay down on the bed. Ass at the very edge, please.”
This time when Tripp does what he’s told, Leander watches, making his own pleased little noises as Tripp splays himself out without an ounce of shame. As soon as he’s down, Lee is between his legs, hands all over Tripp’s body, threading rope this way and that. He’s soft, gentle, pressing kisses between the twists, scraping fingers down over Tripp’s sides, tying ropes off to the loops that already hang from one end of the pulley.
He disappears once, only to return with something that makes athumpand aclankwhen he sets it down on the floor. Unable to look and see what it is, Tripp’s heart races, his nerves over what might be coming next preventing him from fully relaxing and enjoying the remainder of Leander’s hands working to tie him up.
“This is new,” Leander says suddenly, startling Tripp out of his nervous daydream, making his eyelids pop open and his pupils focus on the silhouette towering over him in the now-dim light. Lee is holding a spreader bar, one with four limb restraintsattached, and Tripp’s already hard, but seeing his Dom withthatin his hand spikes the arousal he’s feeling significantly.
It’s difficult for Tripp to ask plainly for what he wants and needs, it always has been. And even though he’s gotten better about it, feels more at ease around Leander than ever before, Tripp still has his hangups. This kind of bondage is something he’s lusted over Leander putting him in for alongtime, butaskingto be made powerless and vulnerable? It’s just not something Tripp’s been able to give voice to wanting. Maybe that’s silly, considering all of the things he and Lee have already done together, combined with the fact that Lee hasneverjudged him, but that’s just the way it is.
Tonight, though, all Tripp can do is whine and nod as his dick sells him out completely by drooling precum all over his stomach. After pressing a kiss to the inside of Tripp’s knee, Leander is quick to oblige. Pretty soon, the bar’s end restraints are fastened around Tripp’s thighs and it’s positioned to press into the flesh just above his knees. After that, Lee’s onto securing the cuffs near the middle of the device to each of Tripp’s wrists. The final result is him on his back, legs in the air, hands caught uselessly somewhere in between.
His absburnwithin minutes. This would be a sadistic as hell position if Leander didn’t help Tripp out by securing each of his ankles to the suspension system he’s already rigged, taking the burden off of his limbs to hold himself up. It’s still not entirelycomfortable,but it’s better.
“We’re not trying to dislocate your shoulders,” Leander explains, and despite the fact that Tripp’s slipping quickly into subspace,thathe understands. Without the ankle support, he’d have to either use his thigh muscles to hold his legs up, or strain his shoulder joints trying to give them a break. This way, he’srestrained, he’s exposed, he’s at Lee's mercy, but the carefully-tied ropes are doing most of the heavy lifting.
“Color?” Leander checks in again before putting the suspension rigging he’s so carefully tied to the test.
“Green.” Tripp sighs dreamily, tugging gently against his restraints, testing his limits, enjoying the way he’s held captive, the way nothing even remotely budges. Leander can truly dowhateverhe wants to him now, and there’snothingTripp can do about it. That thoughtshouldterrify him, and it does leave goosebump-chased chills running down his arms, but not because he’s afraid. Trusting someone so completely, the way he’s learned to trust Lee? It changeseverything.
Tripp doesn’t feel restrained, he feelsfree.
As Leander manipulates his torso and moves him around—checking ties and circulation before eventually lifting Tripp’s body the rest of the way off the bed and into the air by way of the pulley—that feeling only multiplies. The actual act of suspension isn’t as dramatic as it sounds, in fact, Tripp’s only hovering a few inches above the mattress, his ass slightly higher than his head. If hereallyworks hard to arch his back, he can actually skim the top of the rumpled sheets below with his hair.
“I also need to know,” Leander says, so casually they could be discussing plans to meet up at the Hot Plate after work, “—and you may use your words to answer—what you’ve decided regarding the taking of pictures.”
“Take whatever pictures you want,” Tripp replies immediately, even as he feels himself moving further into the air, watching Leander secure the ropes so that he stays there. “I trust you.”
“I appreciate your trust in me,” Leander replies, coming to stand in-between Tripp’s legs again, and it’s suddenly clearwhy he didn’t pull the ropes higher. He’s now suspended at the perfect height for Leander to fuck him without bending down or having to lean on the bed at all, and Tripp isso into this.The anticipation, theexcitement—it’s causing his breath to come fast, making his cock twitch against the plane of his abdomen.
Things become a bit hazy and blurry after that—mentally, Tripp commits to letting go, succumbing to the submissive headspace he’s begun to crave so badly. It’s been too long since he and Lee have done somethingthisintense, and Tripp suddenly rememberswhythey started playing and sceneing to begin with. It’s been easy to forget lately with how he’s been stressing, worrying over the possibility of things between him and Lee changing emotionally.
This scene is a reminder—they’reso fucking goodtogether this way, too. Just this. It’s more than enough.
One minute bleeds into the next, and while Leander is definitely talking, murmuring explanations and sweet reassuring praise, Tripp doesn’t always hear the words. There are wax sticks—hot, burning drops that Leander drips all across his body while Tripp moans and twists beneath, and he drifts, focusing on the sensory ride.
Lee doesn’t stay between his legs, either—he’severywhere,all at once.He’s biting Tripp’s collarbone, he’s rubbing still-warm wax into the skin of his tender inner thighs, he’s pressing Tripp’s face into the bulge of his crotch, just the way he hoped for earlier. As much as he can, Tripp mouths at the fabric enthusiastically, leaving damp spots behind as his way of saying ‘thank you’to his Dombefore Leander pulls away.
At some point, Leander breaks out a vibrator, sticks it inside Tripp’s ass, and levels it directly over his prostate while continuing to torment and tease the rest of his exposed body. First the wax, then clothespins on his nipples, clipping themon and then flicking them off while deftly stroking his cock. Lee keeps that up until tears stream from Tripp’s eyes and he’sthiscloseto breaking the rule aboutwords,if only just to beg for mercy.
He doesn’t need to, not in the end, because Lee isso fucking goodat reading Tripp’s body language, at anticipating both his desiresandhis limits, that he’s already soothing a tongue over one abused nipplerightas Tripp is teetering on the edge of losing it.
And then, like the master torturer he is, Lee switches the game up completely, abandoning pain for pleasure completely as he gets down between Tripp’s thighs and presses the flat of his tongue unabashedly to Tripp’s rim. Right around the edge of the vibrator, teasing and aggressive, Leander licks and sucks in a way that makes Tripp twist and shake and cry out without shame, jerking in the air.
Damn it—he slipped, he knows he slipped,fuck,but Tripp’s half out of his mind, nearly delirious, couldn’t have helped it if he tried. “Sorry,” he half-mumbles, half-gasps as another tear leaks from his eye and tracks down over his temple and into his hair. “Sorry, Sir,” he repeats, but Leander is already taking his sweet, sweet mouth away, making clicking sounds with a tongue that should be working onother things,and Tripp can’t do anything but groan to hear it.
“Naughty, naughty,” Leander chastises as he climbs onto the bed, shuffling towards Tripp’s head on his knees. As he does, his hands are already unbuckling his pants and pulling his cock out without ceremony. “Open,” he says, pressing a thumb to Tripp’s chin to encourage him to comply while rubbing the crown of his cock across his barely-parted lips.
Even in Tripp’s floaty, altered state, it’s not hard for him to tell what Leander wants, what he’s trying to do. With the vibrator shoved far up his ass, it’s hardly a punishment, but Tripp’s certainly not going to say so. He opens his mouth wide, moaning and relaxing his jaw as Leander slides in deep, giving a few gentle, testing thrusts before pulling him in by the back of his neck.
Breathing carefully through his nose, which winds up flush to the crease between Lee's groin and thigh, Tripp goes pliant as much as he can. He swallows when he’s able around the intrusion in his throat, allowing saliva to otherwise run freely down his cheek. He’d love to grab onto Leander’s thighs for leverage, but he can’t, just has to let whatever his Dom wants to happen, happen.
Like always, Leander remains perfectly poised and unaffected in his control, even as he ravages Tripp, using Tripp’s hair to set the speed and rhythm more than his own hips. It’s likely in part because he just loves to pull hair, but also (probably) because he knows that Tripp enjoys it too. Leander thrusts in and out of his mouth and Tripp follows along as best he can, sucking and licking and tryingsodamn hard to begoodafter accidentally messing up.
A mere handful of minutes later, he’s rewarded, and it feels like turning his face up to the sun.