“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing,” Leander hisses in his ear and Tripp swallows heavily, forcing himself not to struggle in his Dom’s grasp. Moderately successful, he then fails completely at suppressing a moan when Lee's teeth sink into the meat between his shoulder and neck. The bite isn’t hard enough to break skin, but the threat is there, and Tripp’sreallyfucking glad Lee is squeezing his cock and keeping him from doing something embarrassing, like coming all over the shower wall. As it is, he can’t help chasing the urge to shove his ass backagainst Leander’s groin, anddamn,he’s really turning into a needy slut for this guy.
No regrets.
“I’m going to give you what you need, Tripp,” Leander continues, grinding his own hard cock against the crease of Tripp’s ass, where it slips and teases in the slickness of residual soap. “But I am not going to reward you for insolence. I think, perhaps, what ‘need’includes today is motivation. Motivation to behave, to be good, to not ruin this day for people who are important to you, simply because you can’t stop being a brat. Do you understand?” Leander’s fingers tighten pointedly, the resulting stinging in his scalp nearly making Tripp’s eyes roll back in his head.
“God,yes, Sir,” he replies huskily, and to that, at least, Leander chuckles.
“I know you can be good for me, Tripp,” he says softly, dropping Tripp’s cock in favor of trailing a wet hand over his hip and across his flank, making him shiver against the tile. “Can’t you, beautiful boy?” Lee's lips press insistently against his neck, just above where the bite mark falls and below his collar, and Tripp nods, letting his eyes fall closed as a small whine escapes from his lips.
An intelligible, “Yes, Sir,” is almost more than he can manage.
“Good,” Leander replies, and just like that, his hands are gone, leaving Tripp to nearly flail into the wall as he stumbles to regain his balance. When he turns around again, Leander is smirking. “Switch places with me,” he commands, placing a hand on Tripp’s hip as they dance sideways so that he’s moved under the arc of the spray, sending any remaining body wash swirling away down the drain.
Tripp does, without protest or complaint, and even though the water beating down makes it somewhat uncomfortable, he lifts his face to blink up at Leander. With his bitten lips slightly parted, lashes wet, and cock flushed and heavy between his legs, Tripp knowsexactlywhat the fuck he looks like. This move is purposeful and it lands, Leander grabbing him again by the hair and dragging his face forward towards his groin.
“Color, Tripp,” he demands impatiently.
“Green, Sir,” Tripp replies immediately, and the words are barely out of his mouth before Lee's cock is filling it, shoving all the way in and past his hard palate so that Tripp has to consciously relax his jaw and breathe through his nose. They hold like that for a minute, until tears are pricking at the corner of Tripp’s eyes and mixing with the water trickling down his face. A small stream of drool joins the mix right before Leander pulls out completely, patting Tripp’s cheek as he goes and practically glowing with satisfaction.
“Good boy,” Lee tells him, selecting his razor from the small built-in shelf and holding it out for Tripp to take. “We will return to that momentarily. First, you’re going to take care of some maintenance for me.” Expression smug, Leander props his foot up on the same shelf and raises an eyebrow as he looks down at Tripp, motioning with a wide circle to his pelvic area. Water from the shower still streaming freely over his face, it takes Tripp a minute to figure out what he’s being asked to do, but when he does, he’s eager.
“I know you enjoy a clear workspace,” Leander quips with a twinkle in his eye, presumably by way of explanation.
The thing is, Leander is typically good about manscaping, way better than most of the dudes Tripp has been with in thepast. Even still, he tends to keep things trimmed and neat, never bare. Not that Tripp has any complaints—it’s Lee's body and however he wants to rock his shit is what he should do—but if he’soffering, then Tripp is definitely all in on this one. In fact, just imagining being allowed to worship at the altar of the end result has his dick pulsing with interest. He glances up at Leander, unsure, because this definitely feels like a reward and not a challenge.
“Do you…have any other instructions for me, Sir?”
Visibly pleased, Leander runs a gentle hand through Tripp’s hair, approving. “Whatever you would like to do,” he says, and even though it’s blanket permission for Tripp to proceed how he likes, Leander’s words somehow still carry a weight and authority that has him anxious to get this right, whateverrightmeans.
“Just don’t cut me, or there will be serious repercussions.”
Tripp nods, and refocuses on his canvas. Licking his lips and tasting water, he decides to use some of the body wash to soften and smooth the way, lathering Lee up and ignoring the way his cock fills out further under his touch. He checks the razor and finds it to be a brand-new, five-bladed, expensive thing that makes Tripp feel a lot better about using it on someone’s sensitive parts.
Carefully, he drags the razor against the grain, over the short hairs above Lee's cock, glancing up partway through for approval and finding only amusement peering back at him.
Since Lee is trimmed already, it’s not exactly a tough job, though Tripp finds himself holding his own breath while he works on shaving Lee's balls. It’s not the potential punishment he fears as much as knowing from experience what a nick down there feels like. He stretches the skin carefully, holding it tautagainst the razor and managing to guide them both through the process in one piece.
When he’s finished and Lee is both smooth and nick-free, Tripp makes a pleased noise and tries to flip the razor in his hand, though with the water in his face, he winds up dropping it with a clatter onto the shower floor. He’s more careless than he should be when reaching down to pick it up, the stream flowing into his eyes and obscuring his sight as he closes fingers around the razor’s head instead of the handle. The result is a thin cut to his index finger and a yelping, “Ouch!” spilling from his own mouth.
Lee is there immediately, crouching down to take the razor before reaching for the injured finger Tripp’s instinctively popped into his mouth. Raising his eyes to meet Lee's, Tripp notes the way the man’s pupils dilate to see him do so, but only upon pulling his finger out through his lips does it register that there may be more to this than just Tripp making a suggestive gesture that reminds him of cock-sucking.
“I think you’ll live,” Leander tells him, but he barely glances at the injured finger, pressing down over the cut with his thumb and watching Tripp’s reaction with interest. Itdoessting, but Tripp doesn’t hate it, and he’s pretty sure the way he pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth tells Leander as much.
“Interesting,” Leander murmurs before standing again and putting the razor away. “Unfortunately, we don’t have time to explore this particular pursuit at the moment, but we will talk later. Right now, we need to give you your motivation so that we can get to our scheduled appointment on time. In fact—”
Pushing open the shower door, Leander wipes his hand on one of the towels hanging from the rack before reaching over to press the home screen on his phone, which is sitting on the counter next to the sink. “You have exactly three minutesto get me off using only your mouth. You arenot,under any circumstances, allowed to come. If you can get me to finish in time, I won’t put you in chastity today. If you don’t…”
Leander trails off and flashes him a wicked smile, the fucker.No oneis getting off in three fucking minutes. What are they, seventeen and new? Tripp sighs and dutifully edges forward, still being soaked by the shower as he does, opening his mouth wide for Leander to slide into. His knees are really getting sore, and that shit is punishment enough, if anyone cared to ask his opinion. Doesn’t matter—if there’s one thing Tripp’s learned the hard way, it’s that arguing with Leander will get him nowhere except frustrated and horny.
It’s not as if he has anything to complain about, though—Lee's freshly shaved skin is deliciously smooth and soft against his nose, his cheek, his lips. It’s pretty fuckin’ heavenly, and Tripp does his best to show his appreciation with enthusiasm, dipping into a top-tier assortment of the best tricks and techniques he knows.
Unfortunately, despite pulling out all the stops—deepthroating and swallowing around nearly Lee's entire length, licking around the shaft like a lollipop, sucking as if his life depends on it—he doesn’t succeed in dragging Lee over the finish line before time gets called. While Tripp expected this outcome—and is highly suspicious Lee did, too—he’s still disappointed.
Notably, Leander himself doesn’t seem remotely upset.
Of course he isn’t,Tripp thinks as he raises a water-and-tear-streaked face to watch Lee finish jerking himself off with one hand, closing his eyes as cum lands hot on his nose and cheeks.He’s off, he’s way off. I’m the one getting my dick shoved in prison.