“I understand, Tripp,” he says quickly, reaching out to touch Tripp’s shoulder and getting shrugged off for his efforts. Instead of being offended, Leander softens his tone and tries to sound as reassuring and nonjudgmental as possible. He’s not entirely convinced that some of Tripp’s current attitude isn’t a form of drop, but more importantly, it’s not inconsistent withTrippin general, and the trouble he has giving voice to his desires and emotions.
“I hear you,” he tries again. “These discussions, the planning—they’re all things you would prefer for me to handle and that’sfine.That’s perfectly fine, there’s nothing wrong with that at all. I didn’t—It didn’t occur to me that’s what you meant when we discussed debriefing originally.”
The tension infusing the hard lines of Tripp’s body begins to bleed and soften, and he glances over his shoulder like a petulant toddler who’s being offered candy, but thinks he might have to take a nap to cash in.
“Yeah?” he asks warily. “Just like that?”
“Our contract stipulates a check-in once per week. For many reasons, that’s not something I would feel comfortableeliminating completely, but I think a once-weekly chat is plenty for the time being. Anything else, we’ll play by ear. If there’s something I feel truly requires discussion, I’ll try to save it. Alternatively, ifyouever change your mind and need to talk, the offer is always on the table. Take off your collar and say so, I will always listen.
“Aside from that, I will take full control of our new relationship dynamic going forward. I will tell you what to do and when to do it, including how much recovery time will be needed. If your schedule can’t accommodate my plans, you’ll need to inform me so that I can adjust, but that is the extent of the input I’ll ask from you.”
Having turned around again fully, Tripp’s face is visibly painted with relief. Leander only wishes he was still wearing his collar, so that he could comfort him physically. It’s achingly difficult to be so close to a Tripp that’s struggling and not be able to touch, but these boundaries arevitalto what they’re building.
Still, something seems not quite right. As Leander watches, Tripp shivers a little. The apartment is not cold, which is concerning.
“Tripp,” Leander says carefully, not wanting to alarm him. “Would you like to go put your collar back on, at least for the time being?”
The effect is instantaneous—Tripp releases a haggard breath and nods, his eyes nearly going glassy before he turns away and Leander can no longer see them.Incredible,Leander thinks, strangely proud as he watches Tripp stride determinedly across the room. For a man who has never actually been a submissive before, his entire being positivelyscreamswith the need for it.
Not for the first time, Leander thinks that he and Tripp might be a lot more alike in that respect than he’d initially thought. His own need to take control is hard-wired into his personality, into who heisas a human.When he can’t, when he doesn’t have an outlet and a sub to care for, Leander feels lost at sea. Unfulfilled, like a boat with neither a mooring nor a captain at its helm. Watching Tripp, he can see that hunger, those desires of his own mirrored so perfectly in the man’s deep-seated yearning to submit, to be cared for. To have his needs looked after and the burden ofchoicesand responsibility lifted completely from his shoulders for any period of time.
Perhaps Leander should have seen this coming, the way Tripp reacted just now, but in his defense, it’s been a long time since he’s encountered another person who is built from the ground up toeithercommand or serve. This not-quite-earth-shattering revelation makes him feel drawn to Tripp even more strongly, like there’s something connecting them, two sides of the same coin. A perfect pair with an extremely special bond—they understand and compliment each other in ways that other people can’t begin to understand.
Of course, he can’tsayany of this to Tripp, and not solely because his emotional state is slightly fragile at the moment. It’s too much, too soon, and may very well always remain something that Tripp isn’t ready to hear.
That’s fine.
Leander can do one better, anyway. He can fix this misstep with touch, since it’s very clearly what theybothneed right now. When Tripp returns with his collar in place, Leander takes him by the wrist and leads him over to the couch. Sinking into it, he pulls Tripp down on top of him without any hesitation. Leander relaxes back against the cushions, stretching his parted legs out in a vee to make room for Tripp’s body.
He’s unsurprised but pleased at how easily Tripp obeys the direction, allowing Leander to shift and maneuver his limbs until he’s comfortably placed. The end result has Tripp lying on his stomach and draped across Leander’s chest, head tucked deftly underneath his chin.
Once they’re settled, Leander flips the blanket he keeps folded on the back of the couch over both of them for warmth, though Tripp’s feet stick out the far end. He pushes his fingers through Tripp’s hair, scratches nails across his scalp, and soothes both hands down the length of his back. He resists the urge to verbally reassure Tripp about anything they discussed earlier, thinking that might not be the best way to assuage his bristly embarrassment, considering.
Tripp calms.
Not that he was overly worked up to begin with, at least not outwardly, but Leander’s been around the block with submissives, and he’s good at reading body language. The longer they lay together, the more relaxed Tripp becomes. His heartbeat slows, his breathing evens out, and his muscles unclench beneath Leander’s touch. It’s a beautiful response to an irritated submissive simply being held by their Dom, and Leander feels both proud and grateful. Any shadow of a doubt that doingthiswith Tripp is rewarding enough to be worth the struggle with his emotions all but dissipates—dust in the wind.
Later, when Tripp uncollars for good (for the day, anyway) and redresses in his own clothes, he leaves Leander warm and hopeful, flashing a bright smile over his shoulder. It’s nothing flashy or dramatic, just a squeeze to his shoulder and a “thanks, Lee,” but the way they part ensures that those feelings don’t fade, not in the least. Leander stands with his back to the apartment door for a very long time, smiling at nothing as he stares down an empty hallway, thinking about how damn luckyhe is to have found a submissive like Tripp hiding inside his very best friend.
It’s five minutes past six in the evening and Leander has barely managed to punch his timesheet into the machine or drop his overnight bag in the bunk room when his phone starts lighting up with messages.
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Tripp:Whatcha doin?
Against his better judgment andonlybecause Tripp can’t see him, Leander smiles down at his message-flooded screen as he replies.
Leander:Bratty behavior will not be rewarded.